Student BSUIR will judge for the call for a strike on an article about the mass riots

Student BSUIR will judge for the call for a strike on an article about the mass riots 17965_1

Over the past six months, we learned a lot about the fact that in the understanding of Belarusian investigating authorities is considered vandalism, hooliganism and mass riots. It turns out that these are not only broken windows and burned cars, but also cute drawings on transformer booths and memorable inscriptions on the paving slabs. Accusings in mass riots touched those who called for strikes. By the Labor Code, the strike is a legitimate protest method in order to resolve the employment dispute. But this did not prevent the prosecutor's office to accuse the organization of mass riots student BSUIR born in 1999, which is October 26 (on the expiration of the "national ultimatum") called other students to strike. He is incriminated to "the organization of group actions, roughly violating public order and conjugate disobedience, the legitimate requirements of the authorities that caused a violation of the work of the institution, as well as active participation in such actions." The case materials are sent to court, reported on the website of the Prosecutor General's Office.

According to the case of the case on the morning of October 26, the student came in while classes in the audiences of the University, where he agitated other students to violate public order. Called them to leave the audience, organize illegal strike and rally, to participate in such unauthorized events in order to disrupt the educational process in the BSUIR.

In his testimony, the guy explained that the Unknown user wrote in Messenger Telegram on the eve of the University of Messenger, who introduced himself as a member of the University's strike and proposed to speak to students with the text prepared for him, "he agreed. In a predetermined place and time of the accused, 20-30 students were waiting for 20-30 students who went with him by audiences. They had their own instructions. Subsequently, allegedly following the instructions of an unidentified person, the student dropped the settings of the mobile phone to factory, which deleted their correspondence.

The guy admitted his guy partly - explained that he really participated in "actions, roughly violating public order," they did not organize them.

The student still remains in custody in the SIZO.

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