"Neman" at home made a bright chase for Shakhtar in the third period, but gave way to one puck


The first good chance to seize the initiative in the match received guests. At the start of the fifth minute of the meeting, Eduard Nasybullin Defender was removed. But the "red-black" survived in the minority and almost immediately opened the score.

In a quick attack of the hosts, Christian Dzibinski gave a pass from behind the gate to lonely Artem Lefseh, who sent the puck of the bottom in the left corner of the gate - Sergey Stepanov did not have time to work as a shield.

Such a turn of events suled the major problems "Shakhtar", because the viscous and cautious game "Neman" does not contribute to a large number of chances of the opponent. Fortunately for wards Faykova, they managed to quickly recoup. Inaccurate PAS defender Grodno Nikita Kratskina in its zone led to the counterattack, as a result of which the washer was on the hook of Denis Belousov. The young striker of the guests will not think without thinking, sent it to the top corner of the gate of Vitaly Cowance - 1: 1.

Literally in the next change, the defender of Nemman was removed by the footboard, Danila Palivko and Soligarcs quickly took advantage of the advantage. Alexander Liquel shot the bottom of the left circle of drops, and the Roman Malinovsky was on the fifox in the fifox, 1: 2. With such an account ended the first period.

On the 22nd minute, a protector of the "red-black" artem wolves received a double penalty for the game with a high-alley stick, Vladimir Dzhig suffered. In most guests, the guests were abandoned by the third washer: Nikita Remezov, because of the gate, disappeared on Valery Bochkarev, who beat the coward, writes Hockey.by.

"Neman" had several good opportunities to approach the opponent before the break, however, did not take advantage of the two removal of "miners". Also, a good chance was built by the fourth link of Grodnians in the very end of the period - Paul Gagray gave a promising pass to the far bar, but Igor Kozychy did not block the transfer.

Everything became very sad for the owners, when in the 47th minute of liquid with the transfer of Roman Krikunenko increased the gap to three washers.

However, "Red-Black" did not go to the knockdown. Already in the next change, Lefty returned the debts of Jibinsky - now the Pole received the washer in an ideal position before the gate and cut the backlog. In the same attack, Miner's defender Sergei Stankevich, which allowed "Neman" to speed up Cambake. Krykin dropped from the blue line, and on the selection faster everything turned out to be Egor Stepanov - 3: 4 for 12 with a small minutes until the end of the period.

In the remaining time of the hosts were not close to the account, but the Shakhtar survived. It all ended with a selfless block slip of Stankevich on the last seconds.

Soligorgans mined a heavy victory and approaching the score to "youth," which lost points in a duel with the Orsha "locomotive".

"Neman" remains on the sixth position, where for sure and will meet the end of the regular season.

Neman - Shakhtar - 3: 4 (1: 2, 0: 1, 2: 1)

1: 0 - 06:39 Lefty (Dzibinski, Zatzapilin)

1: 1 - 09:34 Belousov (Bochkarev)

1: 2 - 11:03 R. Malinovsky (liquid, tireless), GB

1: 3 - 22:41 Bochkarev (Karaban, Remezov), GB

1: 4 - 46:00 liquid (Krikunenko, Ivanov)

2: 4 - 46:23 Dzibinski (Lefty, Zatzapilin)

3: 4 - 47:21 E.Stpanov (Coffeeplates, Krykin), GB

Penalty: 10 - 8

Throw: 33 (9 + 10 + 14) - 37 (10 + 13 + 14)

Top players: Dzibinski - liquid

Neman: coward (59:20); Palivko - Krykin, S. Malyavko - E.Stpanov (K) - Buynitsky; Volkov - Romanovich, Lefty - Dzubinski - Zatzainil; Nasybullin - Bozhko, Coffeemen - Zykov - Varvonchik; Kolichy - Malashkevich - agrees; Fursa, A. Malinovsky.

Shakhtar: S.Stpanov; The Godaress (K) - Sergeev, Karaban - Levko - R. Malinovsky; Stankevich - Shuttyau, Jig - Remezov - Dadon; Sushko - Borisov, Ivanov - Krikunhenko - liquid; Belousov - Bochkarev - Antonovich; Emigue.

February 4th. Grodno, Ice Palace. 741 viewer. Beginning - 19:00.

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