25+ stories from readers adme.ru about people who flew out frank stupidity and did not even notice


Some people, even those who possess higher education, live according to the principle of "Sky - Blue, Grass - Green, Tomato - Red". Because of this, they sometimes say such that their interlocutors are rounded and the mouth involuntarily opens. Moreover, they still insist on their rightness and do not even think to agree with another opinion.

Recently, the readers of the adme.ru shared the most stupid phrases that they only heard, and we chose the most striking of them.

25+ stories from readers adme.ru about people who flew out frank stupidity and did not even notice 17882_1
© Alisa Saysnskaya / Adme

  • My friend before the trip abroad was very worried that there would be nothing to understand, and not only because I did not know English. And because there are even numbers not like with us, but Roman. © ERGOSUM / ADME
  • A few years ago we are going in the car with my husband and his friend. Friend, looking forward and seeing in the sky right at the rate of a reversing trail from the flying aircraft: "Oh, look, the rocket launched!" Until now, I remember with my husband. © Elena Bazanova / Facebook
  • The classmate somehow issued that the night tariff for a taxi is more expensive because the driver has to peer on the road and strain due to darkness, respectively, and increases the payment of its "labor". © Euphoria / Adme
  • I tried to prove the adult young lady for 23 years to prove that it is impossible to sit on the windowsill if there is a hot battery! Because you can get pregnant without physiological contact! There were still many words with a biological orientation, the value of which she clearly did not know. 3 people could not convince her. There was no Internet then, and it was not to drag it into the library. © Predatory Zaiz / ADME
  • One of my friend was convinced that the goose is a "husband" duck. © Anna Tsvetkov / Facebook

25+ stories from readers adme.ru about people who flew out frank stupidity and did not even notice 17882_2
© Marina Mikhalin / Adme

  • "Sasha Black is a pseudonym Pushkin," that's what I once heard. I still remember, although it passed 15 years. © Stanislav Klutin / Facebook
  • I was asked for a day before, whether Sherlock Holmes was still alive ... He, of course, is immortal, but I was confused something ... © Christina Miller / Facebook
  • Once in the mail, a man in the queue in front of me sent a parcel to Chile. The employee of the postal decided to fix it and said that Chile is pepper and there is no such country. When he explained that this was not the case, she wondered why the country was called in honor of peppers? We sincerely tried not to join the voice of the whole queue. © Detcher / Adme
  • I somehow bought linoleum in the construction store. Hanging price tag. I call the manager and ask: "Girl, tell me, please, is it the price for a temporon meter or per square?" What she answered me with such a disturbance: "You are! Does the meter be square? " I am already confused myself. © Elena Lomakina / Facebook
  • The neighbor was silent every day sunbathing on the roof. I told her so that she did not know, because this year is a very active sun. She rang his eyes in horror and asked: "What, in our area?" © Irena Craby / Facebook

25+ stories from readers adme.ru about people who flew out frank stupidity and did not even notice 17882_3
© Inna Klitynska Nazarenko / Facebook

  • I once asked for me, it was difficult if I was difficult to teach a puppy to walk. He thought that puppies, like children, need to teach walk. I was 16 or 17 years old, and for 40 or even at 50. And he still asked how difficult it was to go, because they have 4 paws and they do not understand our tongue. In full serious. © Melanta Pimkina / Facebook
  • My former colleague defendeding the candidate in the field of economics, I completely seriously asked me what was default ... © Larisa Abarenova / Facebook

25+ stories from readers adme.ru about people who flew out frank stupidity and did not even notice 17882_4
© Tatyana Zaitseva / Facebook

  • One of my acquaintances when I went to pregnant, asked me: "And how a poor child is sitting in his stomach? Here I eat the cucumber, and if you feel bad, then a piece falls on his head. It won't hurt him? " I did not even know where to start an explanation of the anatomy for her. © Oksana Rayakova / Facebook
  • University, Faculty of Law. A student convinces colleagues that legal entities are people who graduated from legal entities. © Maria Butuc / Facebook
  • He participated in the dispute, how much oceans, and they tried to convince me that they were 7. They did not convince, I won. Another case: an adult and clever man convinced me that all cucumbers of one variety. Just the longer he hangs on the bush, the longer it becomes. I never could convince him that there are a lot of varieties. © Anya Bodanky / Facebook
  • Once a woman called me a home phone and asked Vadim. I replied that she was mistaken by the number. After a minute, the situation was repeated. When she called for the third time, I said: "There is no Vadim in this number, do not call, please, more." What she answered: "So I press on" repeat "and still don't get there?!" © Daria de Clerk / Facebook
  • I am on the formation of a pianist. One friend asked why I had a piano at home, I should play piano. © Alena Alena / Facebook

25+ stories from readers adme.ru about people who flew out frank stupidity and did not even notice 17882_5
© Elena Lazebnik / Facebook

  • Somehow entered the store of computer equipment: then only silicone keyboards appeared, and I wanted to myself. When I asked the seller, I answered a guy with a very smart look that Silicon is silicon, silicon is a stone, and the keyboards are not the stone. © Anna Afortunada / Facebook
  • I had a suspension with Nefertiti profile. Head of the school, where I worked asked me what kind of zodiac sign. © Bella Velikovskaia / Facebook
  • Once I heard that the dinosaurs were extinct, because the sun exploded. I did not even find what to answer is. © Svetlana Vorobyova / Facebook
  • My mother was going to tour in the United States. Our relative has been able to fully asked Mom to take a picture against the background of the Eiffel Tower. © Liana Kyureghyan / Facebook
  • - You do not know anything about Chernobyl? - No, and when was it? - In 1986. - How can I know about the Chernobyl catastrophe if I was born 2 years after it? © Marianna Boyukla / Facebook

What other ridiculous phrases have you ever heard?

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