What if the child arranged a hysterical in the store: how to prevent it


How often can you meet such

: The kid is lying on the floor in the toy store, knocking his feet and shouts into all the throat, and Mom shuddly removes his eyes and tries to pull the child out of the room. But what to do parents whose children regularly give up toys, and if they do not get the desired, arrange hysterics?

What if the child arranged a hysterical in the store: how to prevent it 17856_1

The usual scenario

How many times have you promised yourself not to take a small extortionist in the store, but you will not leave him at home when you urgently need to buy something? And here is the same plot.
  1. You calmly go to the store, pass by the shelves with toys in the hope that the son or daughter won't notice bright toys, as if specifically placed so that the children immediately began to extort them.
  2. The child begins to pull you by the hand to the toys: "Buy me this typewriter, well, well, well, buyiiiiiiii!"
  3. You begin to refuse: "I can't buy a typewriter now, I have little money. And last week I bought you a lot of toys, it is impossible to buy them all the time. "
  4. Krochu pours tears, screaming loudly, can fall to the floor and continue their hysteria.
  5. In the final, you pull the screaming baby to the exit, shout at him or buy what he wants.
  6. The child quickly understands that they can achieve screams and tears, and next time it is resorted to the same way.

See also: Night hysteries in a child: what can provoke and how to calm the baby

How should your parents behave?

If you are tired of the endless hysteries of the child in the store, you need to take some action. What decision can a modern mom be taken?

  1. I will never take a child in the store. It is better to stay without milk and bread than every time you have such a shame. Or next time we go to the hypermarket, where there is a game room for children. Son (daughter) will play there, and I will still do all the necessary purchases without tears and hysterics.
  2. Let scream, lying on the floor, how much he wants. No viewers, no idea. Soon he will get bored, he will rise and go with me to the exit.
  3. I promise to buy a toy that he wants when I have money. And only if there is a good behavior.
  4. I will ask my grandmother or aunt to go with a child for shopping. Maybe only with me does he behave like this?
  5. With strangers I will not scold, but at home I will arrange the "parsing of flights".
  6. I will go to the store only with my husband. Under it, the son (daughter) will definitely not behave this way.
  7. I will offer to play the game where the child will be me, and I am. While the kid will choose milk and sausages, I will arrange a scandal near toys. Let it feel on yourself, what it is like to calm the screaming person.
  8. At home, play with a toy cashier, let's try to reproduce all the models of the buyer's behavior, and then make conclusions how to behave right in public places.

We deal with situations

Children, in fact, understand and realize much more than we may seem. They know us, parents, better than we ourselves, so to add weak places to them much easier. And sometimes it seems that you do not raise children, and they are engaged in your upbringing. So, consider each situation, as well as what your decision may result in regarding children's hysteria.
  1. It is impossible to live without products, and they need to be bought in the store. Of course, you can order delivery, but not always it is the best way to fill the refrigerator. Also, not in every hypermarket there is a game room, and it is not a fact that your child will want to stay there. "I will never go to the store anymore," thinks annoyed mom, but it does not know that such expressions are usually pronounced in moments of strong negative emotions. Most likely, Mom experiences shame, helplessness, anger at the moment when the baby rides on the floor and beats in hysterics. When mom begins to remember what happened in the store, it is even more lost and repeat a repetition of such a situation. The child at an intuitive level feels that parents are afraid of something, and this further aggravates the problem. As soon as you can cope with your fear, you can change the behavior of the baby.
  2. Some children's psychologists really advise not to pay attention to children's cries in the store. But how will you feel when passing by people will begin to draw a child or sorry him? Anyway there will be a viewers who will attract the inadequate behavior of the crumbs. And he just needs it.
  3. Bargain with the child is a deliberately losing case. Good behavior should not be a condition in which the kid will receive the desired toy. Some parents before the holidays, for example, the New Year, begin to manipulate children: "If you don't hear, Santa Claus will not bring you a gift." But it is wrong, because the child should get his gift in any case, regardless of behavior. To bribe, bargain, manipulate, blackmail - all this is incorrect in relation to a small family member.
  4. Experiments on children should not be accurate. Well, let's say you sent a grandmother with my son to the store, there he behaved perfectly, and what to do now? Call a grandmother whenever the houses ended with milk, and you need to go to the store? It is better to start analyzing your behavior. Why does Kroch behave with you so much so, and with other people he becomes a cute and obedient child?
  5. Parents probably know that it is necessary to punish the child at the moment when he behaves badly. But you will not become scolding or, especially, to spank a baby in love with outsiders? In general, it is impossible to use physical strength in educational measures, otherwise you will spoil relationships with the baby forever. He will cease to trust you, closes and will no longer come to you with his problems.
  6. It is not always possible to make purchases with my husband. But, if a child behaves with dad calmly and does not give up toys, bring the opportunity to come with the whole family to the store. Ask the baby to demonstrate dad, as you keep yourself with the shelf with toys when it is not there.
  7. The game in the exchange of social roles, probably interesting, but not in public places. Can you imagine how it will look from the side: an adult woman yells and lying on the floor, and a small child walks with a cart and chooses products? In this situation, foreign people can even cause police or representatives of the guardianship.
  8. Play at home in the store is a good idea. Scene-role games teach children how to behave in certain situations. And you can also take a child's hysterical video and in a relaxed atmosphere to look with him together, as it ugly looks.

See also: Children's hysteries: a universal way to stop for a minute any whims

Way out

So, what do children usually manipulate when they arrange a scandal in the store?

  1. Mom is ashamed ("Probably I am a bad mother, since my child rises hysteries in front of foreign people").
  2. Mom is scary ("What will think about me? How to get out of the situation?").
  3. Mom feels helpless ("I can't do anything to prevent this behavior of my own child").
Parents need to learn to cope with their own emotions, and only then decide the issue with "shopping" hysteries. Try to keep yourself in your hands, although it is often bad, when the baby rides on the floor and shouts, as if he was beaten. Do not blame yourself for the behavior of the son or daughter. Better in a relaxed atmosphere, talk to the baby, watch the video that you are removing at the time of hysteria and agree how you solve the problem joint efforts.

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