Neutrinos - an object for research and a promising source of electricity generation

Neutrinos - an object for research and a promising source of electricity generation 17799_1

The year 2020 will certainly go into the history of mankind as a year of pandemic, the year of restrictions, prohibitions, isolation, losses and fear of the future - a year that visually demonstrated to the whole world - to live as before it is impossible: without the development of science and without new technologies on the basis of the most modern Achievements of science prospects for our civilization are very limited .. A sharply increased population of the Earth requires more natural resources to provide daily needs and comfortable life, which are well known, limited.

Neutrinos - an object for research and a promising source of electricity generation 17799_2

Photo: Quasar

A number of internal political conflicts on the past year, touched even the most prosperous countries, such as the United States, is a serious precursor of further negative events. And if the attention of humanity is now focused mainly on solving political and economic conflicts, as well as medical challenges caused by the fight against coronavirus, as a priority task of today, which put in shadow, many other problems, including environmental, on the future, Regret, predict economic riots and even war for the possession of natural resources, in the aspect of the energy transition, the introduction of digital technologies, the use of artificial intelligence and ensuring their economic and social positions in the new world "after a pandemic", which will not be such as before.

Despite the importance of the development of scientific and technological development in various fields, it is necessary to separately allocate among them the most important for the very existence of a person. In fact, we are talking about the satisfaction of the most pressing needs of a person, among which the energy occupies a key position.

The use of oil and gas to generate energy reached its apogee and cannot further develop for many reasons: due to limited resource base, environmental requirements, etc. Humanity is rapidly moving towards the development of new energy sources. Now the scientific community, including in Russia, is widely explored by neutrino properties, such as, for example, in the IFty under the leadership of Yuri Kovaleva, Dr. Fizmat, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. "If humanity in the future learn to use neutrinos, it will be possible to transfer energy and information at least one hundred light years without any barriers" - reports the first channel of Russian television 08.02.21 in the release on the Day of Science.

Neutrinos - an object for research and a promising source of electricity generation 17799_3

Holger Thorsten Schubart, Ceo Neutrino Energy Group

In fact, these work and research complement and justify the practical model of the work of Neutrinovoltaic technologies developed by the German American company Neutrino Energy Group.

Recently, the Director-General of Holger Thorsten Schubart noted with satisfaction other significant events of recent weeks, playing an important role in justifying the industrial prospects of Neutrinovoltaic - technology of electricity conversion from the environment:

• For example, the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences on an independent request of one of the leading German autocontracens confirmed the performance of the technology and the NEUTRINOVOLTAIC characteristics declared in patent In weak interaction with argon nuclei. This process was called "coherent elastic neutrino-nuclear scattering (CEVNS). Neutrino is similar to a tennis ball that flies on a bowling ball, "hit" about a large and heavy atom core and transmits it a tiny amount of energy. As a result, the kernel scores almost imperceptibly.

The special event was crowned with the successful activity of the company Neutrino Energy Group of recent years - signing the first license agreement with a large Swiss company for the production of Neutrino Power Cube®, autonomous DC sources converting electricity from the environment

NEUTRINOVOLTAIC technology is based on the use of a multilayer nanomaterial of alternating graphene layers (single-nailed layer of graphite) and alloyed silicon, which allows you to convert electromagnetic emissions and heat into an electric current. Since graphene is carbon, the atomic mass of which is easier than the atomic mass of argon, the effect of interaction of neutrino with carbon kernels will be expressed stronger than with argon. Considering that the crystal graphene lattice is a hexagonal shape, then the oscillations of atoms lead to the appearance of graphene waves.

The opening of the NEUTRINO ENERGY GROUP Research Group provides reason to assert that graphene-based nanomaterials can become a practically inexhaustible source of environmentally friendly energy, and shows that wave-like vibrations of the graphene film are the basis for such sources. Microscopic processes in a graphene sheet consisting of one layer of carbon atoms can be observed with a strong microscope.

In the process of analyzing this phenomenon, an amazing and very significant discovery was made - a wave arose in graphene, like waves on the surface of the sea, arising from the combination of small spontaneous movements and leading to the appearance of larger spontaneous movements. The thermal displacement (Brownian movement of atoms) of one atom, summing up with thermal displacements of other atoms, causes the appearance of surface waves with horizontal polarization, known in acoustics as "Lyava waves". Due to the characteristics of the crystal graphene lattice, its atoms fluctuate as it were in the tandem, which distinguishes such movements from spontaneous movements of molecules in liquids.

But if Russian scientists only speak today about the possibility of transmission of energy using neutrino to huge distances, then Holger Thorsten Schubart says already specifically about the refusal of centralized electricity production: "The air around us is filled with energy, our task is to simply learn to convert it into an electric current. The flow of cosmic neutrinos is 60 billion particles per second after 1 cm2 of the earth's surface. This is a huge stream of energy, and we have already learned how to collect it extremely small part.

But even this small proportion of energy from the huge thread of neutrino is enough for industrial use it for the power supply of individual electrical appliances and households. No need to transmit energy from large power plants for long distances, you need to convert an energy existing in the environment. "

The creation of a distributed power supply system based on NeutrinovolTaic technology opens up new prospects for solving the problems of the population of the population and allows to stop burning oil and gas to produce electricity and as fuel for vehicles.

Posted by: K.T.N. Rumyantsev L.K.

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