Keep emotions under the control: Tips for those who cannot perceive criticism calmly

Keep emotions under the control: Tips for those who cannot perceive criticism calmly 17752_1

Listen to criticism in your address is not very nice. Sometimes it becomes so insulting that I want to go into myself and be alone. Self-assessment falls, and we begin to seem that we are not capable of anything at all.

But it will not be possible to avoid criticism - these are the realities of the modern world. We have to listen to someone else's opinion in everyday life and on the Internet. It remains only to learn to react to what is happening!

How to learn to calmly perceive criticism

Here are some tips to help keep themselves.

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Photo source: 1. Evaluate the intentions of the person who criticizes you

Remember that ideal people do not exist. React to negative statements to your address calmly. You have both strengths and weaknesses. Perhaps the opinion from the side, even if not very flattering, will allow you to better know yourself and work out our own shortcomings. Why not?

2. Think of what character is criticized: constructive or destructive

If the person who criticizes you, but at the same time takes care of you and experiences from the heart for you, then it is definitely worth listening to him. Especially if he is perfect for the question. Perhaps he will tell the correct solution to the problem or advises how best to do some kind of work. Such criticism is constructive!

But do not let such behavior by a person who does not understand the question at all, but at the same time trying to hurt you somehow or humiliate! Most likely, he pursues his own interests, and your mental state does not care. Such a criticism is considered to be destructive and negative. She will not bring any benefit.

Based on this, evaluate the intentions of the one who gives advice or expresses its opinion.

3. Be sure to thank a person for constructive criticism

Be sincerely grateful to those who provide you with a service when expressing an opinion from the side, sincerely wanting you to succeed. Despite the fact that criticism may not always be pleasant, it is important to understand that the man pursued the good goal.

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Photo source: 4. Control your emotions

Even if you understand that the critic wanted you to humiliate, cause pain or hurt your feelings, do not rush to justify or rude in response. It is also not worth paying our own emotions. Feeling irritation or resentment, you can talk in hearts too much, and subsequently heavily regret it.

But this does not mean that you need to be silently allow the interlocutor to destroy your self-esteem with negative statements. It is calmly ask him to explain, and you will see that a person is being tamed and may take away from the answer.

5. Do not be afraid to seem weak and apologize

Do not be afraid to be weak. If you are able to take responsibility for your own life and apologize for what you consider yourself to be guilty, any criticism loses all power over you. A man who may wanted to touch you, does not expect that you calmly recognize your own mistakes.

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Photo source: 6. Exclude toxic people from the life

Some bread do not feed, give only criticizing others. Huming you, critic increases your own self-esteem, so do not let it achieve the desired one. Stop every communication with toxic people or twist it to a minimum. You will only win it!

As you can see, criticism is different, and people who are trying to point to your missions, pursue different goals. Learn to keep calm in any situation and understand what a person seeks when discussing your actions.

And let in your life there will be only a constructive critic that will help become better!

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