Tariffs housing and communal services will be checked on Putin's instructions: will payments be less?

Tariffs housing and communal services will be checked on Putin's instructions: will payments be less? 17647_1

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed the hope that the prosecutor's office will take control of the fairness of the formation of utility tariffs. This was announced by the head of state at an expanded meeting of the Collegium of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. What is not so with the cost of services, whether the prosecutor will be able to help solve communal problems, found out the Moscow Komsomolets.

An expert of the Academy of Finance and Investment Department Alexei Krychevsky noted that Ideally, the fares for the LCA should grow within the framework of inflation, but in fact it does not happen. With such issues, according to the expert, you need to contact the management companies. In addition, with tariff nets can be found on the websites of municipalities and specialized departments.

"Even if one resident requests checks for tariffs and accounts for housing and communal services, it may be a reason for checking the federal antimonopoly service," said Krichevsky.

He also clarified that such issues were solved within the framework of administrative affairs, and the prosecutors here are not playing a big role, unless there is no speech about fraud. If violations by the management of the management company will be massive, then it may already be about criminal responsibility, an expert explained.

"But the initiators of all checks should be the tenants themselves. And here, in Russia, as a rule, everything is simple, silently, pay the receipts, not even understanding, for which, "the publication interlocutor said.

The senior analyst of the IAC "Alpari" Anna Bodrova is confident that the concept of "utility housing rates" includes too much to make something suitable for prosecutor's supervision.

"If we take the tariffs of natural monopolies, they really grow in inflation, and to find fault here, in general, nothing to do. However, in the payments of the majority of the population there are charts of major repairs, additional fees of management companies and the mass of other subtle places, "she explained.

Bodrova noted that various supplements are not even completely housing and utilities, and "this topic is not regulated at all." According to the expert, you first need to hold a line, which questions are controlling the authorities, and which are not, and only after that attract prosecutors. In addition, to bring the case to the prosecutor's office is not easy, and the trial itself can last for a very long time.

"The prosecutor's office should figure out the cases in places - for example, why in some cities of one area tariffs grow differently. For example, in Nizhny Novgorod, an increase is laid no higher than 4% per year, and in the neighboring Chkalovsk - 14.9%, in Vyksa - 8.6%. It turns out that in general, the growth of tariffs on average, although it does not exceed the inclined inflation level, but for some reason, residents of some cities should pay much more, "said Natalia Chernyshev, director of the organization of popular control.

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