Died-Shmumber, if only it was healthy


Died-Shmumber, if only it was healthy 17641_1

Endless, as the ecstatic circle of the dancer Dervish, the mantra of the state leadership, state press secretaries and the governors of publicists about the death of the liberal device of the world and the sunset of the West (Europe) were not out of Gogol "Sineli", but from the old Jewish joke:

- How are you at Moisha?

- He died.

- Died-Shmumber, if only it was healthy!

There is something common in search of the "old Europe" fashion director and threats of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia to break relations with the EU. One is looking for what no longer exists can and will not exist - but strictly speaking, and did not exist. The second indicates that it cannot happen on objective reasons, including economic: the share of the EU countries in exports from Russia in January - November 2020 was 41.1%; EU share in imports to Russia for the same period - 35.4%.

European sunset manually

As for the arguments about the death of liberal order, so in this new? All arguments of different sides were charged 121 years ago in the work of the philosopher Vladimir Solovyov "Three conversations about the war, progress and the end of the World History" (1900). In these dialogues, as today, the idea of ​​European Russia defended Liberal, reflecting under the nickname "Politician": "Fatherland of our, naturally, much more than other European countries is influenced by the Asian element, in which the whole of our imaginary originality is ... This noun to adjective Russian is European. We are Russian Europeans, as there are Europeans English, French, German. "

And not such thinkers like our publicists, press secretaries and ministers "rolled up" Europe - to take at least Spengler, not at all an empty man. The West, together with liberalism, dies and rolled up with the same periodicity that the new "end of history" is experiencing. Also, with the participation of not the most recent thinkers, like Alexander Kozheva (who made his practical contribution to a single Europe) and Francis Fukuyama. But the West with his universal values ​​somehow sneaks through the disastrous fascism, communism, populism, authoritarianism, radical nationalism, and history begins again, without giving relaxing Europe.

After all, what is true - it is worth relaxing to her how the sunset immediately begins. What, in fact, he paid attention back in 1988 in the article "European Responsibility" Merab Markdashvili: Save the Universalist European Vector without daily efforts will be very difficult. Yes, and Fukuyam, with his "end of history", the sample of 1989 is somehow not despicable to the logical end: exactly in the article that he still has kriva smiles, he wrote about two threats to the liberal "end of history" - religious fundamentalism and nationalism. They, in fact, in accordance with his fears and were realized.

Bombing Voronezh as a general line

Liberalism is a free market. So, food on the table and goods in stores. Liberalism is political democracy. So, the ability to select the most suitable option in the electoral menu with the possibility of regular rotation "dishes". Liberalism is the free movement of goods, people, capital, ideas, international science and education. What are there alternatives? Fascism, communism, insulatingism. Dancing around the dust of Stalin. Playing from an increment of a horse from the uninstalled greatness. "Krymnash", which is not smeared on bread. Chimeric threats that do not exist, but the presence of which justifies the inefficiency of internal control. Is it an alternative?

In reasoning about the union of liberal order and harmfulness of Europe, it is somehow forgotten that in 2014, Putin Russia has incorporated into its composition a hefty fragment of someone else's territory and led proxy-war in the east of another state. Could a relationship with the West after that remain in the previous political and diplomatic level? It is also forgotten that in the case of Alexei Navalny, it is not about the "persona" and "political passing" (from the point of view of the technology of entering into the power of individual representatives of the current elite, I would still argue about who this term applies), but about The use of chemical weapons, about the unexcitation of a criminal case on the fact of the attempt on the murder of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

What does the sunset of liberalism? It may be meaningful to discuss the crisis of democracy in Russia. The reasons for the distorted perception of Europe are not in Europe, but in Russia. Here are the curves of lenses, and not there oblique perception of the eastern partner. Nobody and nothing except the group of Orthodox Chekists who came to power did not interfere with Russia to develop normally. We are not about liberalism, but about normalness. By the way, the reason for more intensive support for the bulk by wider layers of civil society is not in fact, he or not liberal, but that the authorities herself turned him into a symbol of normality. The meaning of the modernization of Russia is not in turning it into a liberal enclave, but in its normalization, the deliverance of the consciousness of the average Russians from the layers of non-existent threats and chimeric attachment to the fictional coffins together with the ashes existing only in Chekist historical mythology. In normal Russia, including mentally normal, the discussion is impossible about what Istukan to put in the center of the Lubyan Square - the former Monster of the Dzerzhinsky, mythological character of the Soviet cinema of Alexander Nevsky or the firmware of St. Andropov, who believed that the economy can be corrected by day raids on the hairdresser .

In Normal Russia, demonstrative rudeness during negotiations with the European High Representative can hardly be equal to "foreign policy". Even Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, who asked his spiracher Alexander Bovin to explain to him what "confrontation" is in exchange for a lecture on the properties of the Boroval game, it would not be necessary to tend to humiliate the partner for the sake of meaningless PR and self-affirmation. The Detanet was born from the desire of discharge and goodwill. Without a desire and goodwill there will be no cooperation with Europe and America, and there will be a bombing of Voronezh, which certainly cannot be recognized as a normal and rational. Bombing of Voronezh in the form of a seven-year fall of real incomes of the population and the suppression of any signs of nonimifologized thinking of Russian citizens - the quintessence of the Russian internal and foreign policy of recent years.

What does Europe have Europe to do with this political and socio-economic self-employment? She has enough of her problems, but it remains Europe, albeit that a kinopavilion, adapted under the scene from an old-year life, which draws the imagination of the director of Bogomolov.

Lord Jurden

The population of Russia has been scared with liberalism and Europe, but the consciousness and masses, and the elite remains Western Center: This is a mixture of inferiority complex (still want to live as they), superiority syndrome (for which less and less reasons, although it is necessary to exploit the old thesis - "But we make rockets") and teenage psychological excuses with the rich name of Whataboutism ("and in America there are ebony"). The specimen of Whataboutism is a crying on ordinary Americans who have taken the Capitol and Magazine there, as well as on the "yellow vests", which the cruel capitalist police are swung. But no Russian protester broke a single shop window, did not stop any car or even a bus and even more so did not take the Kremlin's storm or at least parliament, making selfie in the chair of Comrade Volodin.

The question arises again: what does liberalism, Europe, the West?

Any system, not based on universal values ​​and liberalism, ended the war with his own people and the reassembling of neighbors, mass murders, blood, punishments for attempts to think independently, economic stagnation. The accusers of Western liberalism invariably turn out to be the position of Mr. Zhurden's position known since the XVII century, who has not been suspecting that he has been prose for 40 years, "that is, they live in circumstances and partly obey the rules of the hostel by this liberalism created. Finally, the denying liberal order, the power and its service infrastructure deny the chapter the second Constitution of the Russian Federation "The Rights and Freedom of Man and Citizen". And her, such a liberal and underlying Russian state and society, nobody canceled. At least in theory.

Well, and, in the end, where is your soft force, brother, which acts on the rogue of this world, and not at all, but on those who expect material or military assistance to Russia - like Kamarad Maduro or Assad ? And why, as in Soviet times, everything remains like in the immortal lines of Dmitry Alexandrovich Prigova:

Shostakovich ours Maxim

Ran into Germany

Lord, what kind of mania

To run away not to us, but to them

And even more so in Germany!

Maybe the Western liberal order died, but why is it so far so attractive for those who are looking for "Roosevelt" freedoms from needs and fear?

The author's opinion may not coincide with the position of the VTIMES edition.

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