Cute details of the Astrakhan yards can attract tourists of the new formation


A bright feature of Astrakhan is not only architecture, but also life, around it.

Not every resident of the modern city can afford the luxury so that its postgraded lingerie in the wind in the frost or the sunny rays-free, dried outdoors. In Astrakhan, such ways are effective and relevant. This nice immediacy of people characterizes their openness and not a compiler. Astrakhans do not hide from those surrounding their household details.

Stretched on the whole yard rope with lover and clothing can be found throughout the city, even in the center. This color can be skillfully selling tourists who come to our edges not only to drink vodka fishing and cut off on a boat on a delta.

The development of aesthetic tourism is a delicate, but promising. And who knows, maybe, it is the Astrakhan lingerie in the wind will be able to become one of the bait for tourists of the new formation.

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