Trump called on Americans to "overcome the momentary passions"

Trump called on Americans to

The current US President Donald Trump spoke with the video in which he stated that his true supporters could not support violence.

Trump said that his administration is doing everything to ensure that the inauguration of the next President Joseph Biden passed without incidents.

Donald Trump, President of the United States: "We are throwing thousands of the fighters of the National Guard to Washington, DC, to ensure security in the city and ensure that the upcoming transfer of the authorities of the new US administration will be held without risk and any incidents.

About this Donald Trump said in the video user, which placed the White House press service on Twitter. The account of the President of the US President in this social network remains blocked after the assault of the Capitol on January 6 supporters of Trump. The US President also declared unprecedented attacks to freedom of speech.

Donald Trump: "I want to say a few words about an unprecedented attack on the freedom of speech that we have seen in recent days ... are intense and difficult times. Attempts to censure, "cancel" and put in black lists of our fellow citizens are incorrect and dangerous. It is necessary that now we listen to each other, and did not try to silence each other. "

Trump also stated that his authentic supporters could not support unrest.

Donald Trump: "None of my true supporters can support violence, no true to my supporter can maintain disrespect for law enforcement or our great American flag, none of the real my supporters can offend their fellow citizens ... If you do something Either the like, you do not support our movement, you attack it and attack our country. "

The President of the United States once again called violence and vandalism unacceptable.

Donald Trump: "I urge all Americans to overcome the momentary passions and rally as a single American people. Let's make a choice in favor of moving forward, uniting, for the benefit of our families, society and our country. "

In the video image, the Trump said nothing about the impeachment with the wording "for incitement to meat", for which the US President today voted at the Chamber of Representatives of the Congress, where the majority of the Democratic Party. The Speaker of the Lower Chamber of Parliament Nancy Pelosi has already signed an indictment under the impeachment procedure. In the new video program, the Trump, in contrast to the previous statements, nor the word was not referred to falsifications at the past November presidential elections.

Trump called on Americans to
US House of Representatives decides the issue of impeachment Trump

Previously, it became known that the Republicans refused to emerge the Senate to consider the impeachment issue to Donald Trump. The Upper Chamber of Congress leaves from the holidays on January 19, and the inauguration of the next US President Joseph Bayden was scheduled for January 20. It is obvious that even if the Senate had gathered at an emergency meeting on this issue, the Demoles could not collect the necessary two-thirds of the votes, because in the upper chamber the majority of Republicans senators.

Based on materials: TWITTER, TASS, RIA Novosti.

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