Today, ambiguous external background for the Russian stock market


On Thursday, US stock indexes completed the trading to a moderate decline, although in the first half of the session they were traded in a plus. The attention of investors was aimed at spending the elected US president Joe Bayiden, on which new measures of support for the economy of the country were presented in the COVID-19 pandemic.

In general, Biden justified expectations, declaring a package of incentives in the amount of $ 1.9 trillion, which will include large payments to American families, as well as high costs of financing states and local authorities, including their vaccination programs. At the same time, many investors were likely to decide to act on the principle of "selling on facts" and partially fix profits, given that over the past week the American market has grown by almost 3% - just in anticipation of the announcement of incentives.

Meanwhile, the largest European stock platforms completed yesterday's moderate growth of basic indices, except for Italy, where the political crisis is brewing after the release of the ITalia Viva party from the ruling coalition. In general, optimistic moods prevail in anticipation of the statement of the elected US president with the details of his economic support plan.

Yesterday's bidding on the domestic stock market ended in a plus due to positive moods on world stock exchanges. According to the results of the main trading session, the Mosbiergie index increased by 0.59%, to 3490.85 p., Fixing the maximum value in its entire history. The RTS index calculated in dollars increased by 0.93%, to 1500.58 p.

Today, negative moods are dominated in Asian sites: by 8:50 Moscow time, Nikkei 225 (-0.64%), Hong Kong Hang Seng (-0.34%), Chinese CSI 300 (-1.08%) are dominated.

Futures on S & P 500 are lowered by 0.54%. At the same time, by 8:06 Moscow time, February Brent oil futures decrease by 0.44% and are located $ 56.17 per barrel, February WTI oil futures are traded in minus 0.19% at $ 53,48 . Gold quotes are added 0.02% and are located at $ 1851.65 for the Troyan ounce.

At 16:00 MSC, the publication of data on international reserves of Russia will be published, as well as the balance of trade balance for November will be known. Let me remind you that the trade balance surplus amounted to $ 6.44 billion in October. In addition, the second day of the Gaidar Forum will be held today, and the financial results of Sberbank (MCX: Sber) will be presented in RAS.

From a technical point of view, in the daily chart, the Mosbierry index returned to the Bollinger bands after repeatedly went out for their top line. At the same time, slow stochastic lines, for a long time in the overbought zone, are preparing to leave it. Given the above, in the coming days, the potential of the growth of the index is limited.

Today, ambiguous external background for the Russian stock market 17301_1
Mosbery index

Natalia Asdova, Analyst GK "Finam"

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