The prosecutor's office demanded eliminate disorders in the nursery "Five Stars"


Irkutsky District, 15.01.21 (IA Teleinform), - the Director General of the Five Star LLC and the mayor of the Irkutsk district made ideas to eliminate violations of the legislation on the responsible handling of animals. It is reported by the press service of the regional prosecutor's office.

Prosecutor's response measures are under consideration, clarified in the supervisory department.

We will remind, earlier it was reported that the prosecutor's office of the Irkutsk region revealed violations in the conclusion by local government bodies of municipal contracts. Thus, the technical tasks are not specified specific locations of animals without owners, the conditions for the return of the lost animals to their owners and are not reflected information about the content in the shelter of animals without owners who cannot be returned to their previous seats of their habitat.

Also, the prosecutors identified the facts of inaction of local governments in terms of verification of contractor documents on the execution of municipal contracts and the lack of examination of services rendered. Prosecutors in local governments made ideas to eliminate violations of the law.

Recall that in November in the shelter in Karluk began checking from the vehicle at the request of the public inspector in the field of animal handling Elena Pradchuk. During the visit to the shelter, the inspector recorded numerous violations on video. In addition, the service sent a letter to the State Ministry of Internal Affairs on the Irkutsk region to verify the facts of ill-treatment of animals in this shelter. For such a violation, criminal liability is provided.

State inspectors of the vehicle 7 and 8 November 2020 examined the premises of the shelter, assessed the clinical condition of the animals contained there. During the control measures, violations of the rules of their content were identified, including the quarantination rules, improper medical care providing them, the lack of necessary conditions for carrying out homeless dogs and cats.

Zoozhechnikov created a petition with the requirement to bring to justice the leadership of the "Five Star" shelter in Karluk, more than 40 thousand people signed it. The head of the State Duma Committee on Ecology, Vladimir Burmatov, was connected to the situation. He sent the appeal to the General Prosecutor's Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs demanding that this topic is to control. Also, the check organized the prosecutor's office. The governor of the Irkutsk region Igor Kobzev also gave his assessment taking place in the shelter for homeless animals "Five Stars".

Meanwhile, in the K-9 nursery, where animals from the shelter "five stars" were taken, a fire occurred on the night of December 28. The leaders of "K-9" recorded a video message to the chairman of the SC of Russia Alexander Bastrykin with a request to take control of the investigation into the causes of the fire. As a result, Alexander Bastrykin took the situation under his control.

The prosecutor's office demanded eliminate disorders in the nursery

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