How to grow tulips - 4 basic rules


    Good afternoon, my reader. Special attention always require blooming perennials. Especially appreciated by gardeners tulips. But it must be borne in mind that several important rules should be observed in the cultivation and organization of care. Basically requires 4 basic activities.

    How to grow tulips - 4 basic rules 17197_1
    How to grow tulips - 4 main rules

    Tulips (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    Usually, perennials grow in one place for several years, which objectively leads to the dining of the soil the main important compounds for the vital activity. Gradually, the flowers slow down growth, their bloom deteriorates. Some of the most whimsical cultures demonstrating original large buds, due to nutrition dies.

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    How to grow tulips - 4 main rules

    Growing Tulips (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    Especially important denunciations in areas where the tulips are settled down. For example, on a square meter, it is sometimes grown up to one hundred plants. In such conditions, they lack the desired amount of nutrient elements.

    All recommended tulips throughout the growing season to perform the following feeders:

    • In the spring season after the snow cover and thawing the soil use nitrogen varieties of mineral fertilizers. Ammonium nitrate (20 g / m2) is used more often, which contributes to the intensification of the growth of leaves.
    • During the formation of the first buds, a comprehensive feeding is needed. Take superphosphate with urea (10 grams) and ammonium nitrate (20 g) per square meter.
    • At the flowering stage, tulips are needed to feed the potash associate - 15 g, combined with twice as large as the superphosphate (based on M2).
    • After the end of flowering (after 7-14 days), the last phosphorus-potassium feeder is re-practiced.

    Granulated fertilizers can be scattered over the surface of the soil, and then watering. The best result can be achieved if the fertilizer is pre-dissolved in water.

    If dry weather is installed, then the tulips must be watered systematically and quite abundantly. It is especially important to obtain the necessary moisture plants at the formation of buds and active flowering.

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    How to grow tulips - 4 main rules

    Bright tulips (photo used by standard license ©

    In rainy weather, the amount of irrigation cuts. In order to prevent several times, tulips are watered from fungal diseases of fungicides. For the preparation of the solution, they take on a declined bucket with water 20 g of substance.

    The duration of growth in one place in different grades of tulips varies. The bulbs of this culture are digging in June-July after the yellowing of the leaves.

    Some of the most original (lyvillets, green, as well as multi-flower, parrot) varieties require an annual such operation. If they leave them in the ground, then the next season will not be able to wait for spectacular flowering.

    More unpretentious and less arrogant varieties of tulips dig out, observing the interval of 2-3 years. To facilitate this procedure, when landing is recommended to be placed in mesh boxes, containers or baskets, because the bulbs gradually go deeper into soil layers, and after 3 years it is difficult to dig.

    The bulbs extracted from the soil shake off the soil particles, then washed with a stream of cool water and are soaked in a solution of a fungicide for 30 minutes in order to disinfect. It is also necessary to disinfect the soil with a similar means before planting.

    The disinflected bulbs are unfolded by a thin layer on a horizontal surface in a dark place, where they are kept for 3-5 days to dry.

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    How to grow tulips - 4 main rules

    Tulip Fravel (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    Then they separate the babies and dead or rotten roots. Lay onion bulbs indoors without lighting with good ventilation for a month. Here it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 22-25 degrees, since it is during this period that embryos that provide blossoms for the next year are laid.

    A month later, the storage of the bulbs is placed in a dry room at room conditions. In the dark with good ventilation, they withstand them to the autumn planting practiced in September.

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    How to grow tulips - 4 main rules

    Tulip bulbs (Photo used by standard license ©

    Before planting the bulbs of tulips, we can withstand in manganese, prepare a light pink solution. Such a procedure serves as the prevention of many diseases.

    Implementation of simple, but important rules aimed at the organization of care for magnificent tulips will provide a spring festive decoration of a plot of lush multicolored buds.

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