Stop stress! Products antidepressants that will help calm the nerves

Stop stress! Products antidepressants that will help calm the nerves 17165_1

Modern rhythm of life leads to stress. We are always in a hurry somewhere, come across difficulties in both work and in personal life, we process a large flow of information and put yourself too high-inflated goals. Sometimes it becomes so hard that I want to throw everything, turn off the phone and take a break from all at least a few days. But how to deal with stress, if it is not possible to leave on vacation or take the weekend? There is an exit! It is necessary to include in your diet products that will help calm the nerves and cheer up.

Products performing the role of antidepressants

So, if you are very tired, you have started depression or you worry all the time, do not rush to buy pills. Just review your diet, turning on it products from the list below.

1. Meat, buckwheat and oatmeal

In meat, in oatmeal and buckwheat porridge contains Vitamin V. He helps to improve the metabolism, strengthen the immune system and reduce the feeling of anxiety. Food with vitamin B will increase the mood and will calm the nervous system.

To porridge and pork need to add greens as a source of folic acid. Vitamins are much better absorbed by the body if you use these products together. Generously sprinkle with greenery, add it to porridge or in stew.

Stop stress! Products antidepressants that will help calm the nerves 17165_2
Photo source: 2. Linen and olive oil, fish

Scientists conducted a number of studies during which it turned out that the best natural antidepressant is omega-h. It can be obtained by eating fish and flaxseed oil. Even two times a week, to saturate the body with useful fats. If you do not like the fish very much, you often eat salads, filled with linen or olive oils (you can combine them or just alternate).

3. Cheese, dried fruits, black chocolate, tomatoes and poultry meat

Remember that serotonin is the so-called hormone of happiness? It is formed from tryptophan and glucose, which are very many in dried fruits (chip, figs), in cheese, tomatoes and black chocolate.

By the way, it will be useful to include in the diet of honey, berries and fruits, as a source of glucose.

If you want your body to start independently produce tryptophan, eat poultry meat (better turkey).

Stop stress! Products antidepressants that will help calm the nerves 17165_3
Photo source: 4. Seafood, cauliflower and broccoli

These products are a storeroom of complex carbohydrates that have soothing properties. Using them in food, you can help the body to cope with stress and alarm. In addition, in many seafood, including sea cabbage, contains iodine that needs women for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

It is always necessary to remember that the correct nutrition is not a one hundred percent warranty that your emotional background is leveling. Much depends on your mood and on lifestyle. Do not forget about the need for exercise, full sleep and outdoor walks. Enjoy yourself with pleasant shopping, meetings with expensive friends and native people. More often laugh and find a reason to smile.

If you are ready to follow all these recommendations, then no stress is terrible! ?

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