"All gave birth at home": The mother of five children gave testimony about the case of the Vissarion sect


A large mother gave birth in the sect of Vissarion five children, and when the miscarriage happened, he could not get to the hospital.

The former follower of the teachings of Vissarion Elena Chevalkova gave testimony in the Court of Krasnoyarsk, where the case of the elimination of the "Church of the last Testament" is considered. Founders of religious movement are in Novosibirsk SIZO.

The sect in the 1990s founded in the Krasnoyarsk Taiga, a former policeman from Khakassia Segyi Torop (Vissarion). Chevalkova arrived there with parents in 1995 and soon married the son of the priest.

In marriage they had five children. All their woman gave birth to a house, although he was registered in the female consultation. In the community, in principle, domestic birth was taken. Only in the beginning of the 2000s, when Vissarion entered the glands, the woman was allowed to contact the Feldsherasky-obstetric item.

Chevalkova told that it was difficult to get to the nearest hospital: first a few kilometers from the mountain on foot, then 3.5 hours on the "UAZ" in a bad road. Once a woman had a miscarriage, and she asked her husband to take her to doctors, but he refused.

"Power restrictions adhered to this time 1 It was impossible to eat bread, animal products, sugar and even salt, after the start there is everything. I explained that for followers of the restrictions softened, as Vissarion saw that people were difficult, and gave poslences - in 2002 they allowed the "milk" pregnant women, in 2005 the believers began to raise chickens, goats, "the testimony of the Chevalkova, published in the telegram Channel dedicated to Vissarion.

In 2017, together with the children left the community. It was recognized as the victim in a criminal case, it believes that property and moral damage caused to her, since she left the house with a plot and did not reimburse the costs.

"20 years of life was wasted," the witness believes.

In September 2020, Torop and his assistants Vadim Redkin (a former participant in the "Affectionate May" group) and Vladimir Vedernikov were detained on the territory of the religious community in the forest of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and sent to Novosibirsk SIZO. They were charged under Part 1 of Art. 239 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("The creation of a religious association, whose activities are associated with violence against citizens").

  • "Lived in a container, fed on oats": new details in the case of the sect of Vissarion
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