The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania spoke about changing the name of Belarus

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania spoke about changing the name of Belarus 17117_1
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania spoke about changing the name of Belarus

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania spoke about the possible change in the name of Belarus. This was stated by the head of the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry at Briefing on January 11, commenting on the proposal of the Belarusian opposition leader Svetlana Tikhanovskaya.

Lithuanian authorities are ready to change the name of Belarus in the official turnover. This was announced at a briefing by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the country Gabrielus Landsbergis after meeting with the ex-presidential candidate of Belarus Svetlana Tikhanovskaya on Monday.

"If Belarus is expressed by such a wish, we will gladly discuss this issue as we have already arrived by changing the name of Georgia to Sakartvelo," the Lithuanian Foreign Minister said. According to him, the current name of the country "treats Belarus as part of Russia."

The words of the Minister were the reaction to the initiative of Tikhanovskaya, which offered to change the name of Belarus in Lithuanian. "Svetlana Tihananovskaya sent Landsberg's Foreign Minister Gabrielyus Landsbergis with a call to change the name at Lithuanian with Baltarùsija on Belarusià," the press service of the ex-candidate reported. In her opinion, it would be a sign of respect for Lithuania to the sovereignty of Belarus.

"The current official name of Baltarùsija, unfortunately, is perceived as a trades from the Russian name Belarus, leads to an erroneous association with the state of Russia," Tikhanovskaya emphasized.

We will remind, earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated an unprecedented pressure attempts to directly interfere with the outside of Belarus. In turn, the head of the Russian External Intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin noted that in Moscow with concern relate to the events that occur in Belarus, since the West experiencing methods for destabilizing the situation in the country for further use in Russia. In addition, according to Russian intelligence, the West "Trying to make and disorder the activities" of integration associations in Eurasia through a violation of the "course of processes in countries that are close to us [Russia], who together with us are the foundations of these associations, these organizations."

About the ways of the exit of Belarus from the current crisis read in the material "Eurasia.Expert".

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