"Vitya at the crossroads" - what does the Creation of Vasnetsov opens?

"Vitya at the crossroads" - what does the Creation of Vasnetsov opens?

"Vityaz on the crossroads" The famous picture does not simply reveal to us another story, who behaved by the connoisseur of Russian folklore Viktor Vasnetsov, but also becomes a result of many years of artist's work, demonstrating his highest skill.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov I would call not just a great Russian painter, but also a truly "fabulous" artist. His brushes belongs to many paintings that open us the plots of folk fairy tales and epic, for example, a picture of "Bogatyry". They are so realistic and attractive that the viewer literally immersed in the atmosphere of the masterpiece. What can be seen in "Vityaz at the crossroads"? What characters and hidden images use a painter?

Creating a picture "Vityaz on the crossroads"

For Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, the 70s of the XIX century became a sign, even a turning point in creativity. If before he used realistic plots and images for his paintings, then during this period decides to go to a completely new direction. The painter sought to reflect the Russian folklore in his works, famous epics and fairy tales, famous for all heroes and plots.

At this time, the artist begins work on sketches to "Vityazu at the crossroads." The first sketches appeared in the early 1870s. In 1877, Vasnetsov wrote an etude "Warrior in a helmet with a chant." Sportsman for the image of a warrior served as the younger brother of the painter. In the same period, the first version of the picture was completed.

Black sketches Viktor Vasnetsova for the picture "Vityaz on the crossroads"

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In 1878, the "Vityaz on the crossroads" appears at the mobile exhibition. But, as a true Creator, Vasnetsov saw not only features in their work, but also a lot of flaws. He constantly added some details, improving the canvas, and the final version of the "Vityaz on the crossroads" appeared in 1882.

Russian music and art critic Vladimir Stasov gave a high appreciation the creation of Vasnetsov. The artist in a letter to him noted that he used the classic epic inscription on the stone.

"Vityaz on the crossroads" - Painting Viktor Vasnetsova

True, it is not completely visible, but the painter in his message reveals her whole essence:

"It is written on the stone:" How much to do not live - I don't live - there is no way to do neither passing or passing, nor a ticket. " Further follow-up lettering: "To the direction of Duhaty is married to life; The left to the left is rich in life, "they are not visible on the stone, I hid them under moss and erased. Inscriptions these find me in the Public Library at your kind assistance. "

I was interested in the transformation of the picture itself as the new options are created. In the initial versions, Vityaz turns face to the viewer. Subsequent options demonstrate to us simplifying the composition. The very figure of the warrior acquires some monumentality, becomes more significant. The element that Vasnetsov seemed to be superfluous, became the road that appears only in the first versions of the creation.

The initial version of the painting "Vityaz on the crossroads"

Description of the picture Vasnetsov

Looking at the picture "Right to the crossroads", immediately pay attention to the figure of the warrior. Before us is a bogatyr, squeezing on a wonderful white horse, which is undoubtedly his faithful companion in the wanders and battles.

The whole figure of the rider expresses thoughtfulness. It is not surprising, because he stopped in front of a pointer stone on which an ancient folklore text was written.

It can be seen that this old stone, has already been in these places for a long time. It is clearly said that the one who will continue to adhere to the direct direction will not be alive.

"How much to do not live - I don't live - there is no way to do neither passing or passing, nor a ticket," says the inscription on the stone.
Inscription on the stone, fragment of the picture Victor Vasnetsov "Vityaz on the crossroads"

Without a doubt, Vityaz understands the whole seriousness of such a warning, but it is forced to continue his way. It seems that after a moment, the snow-white horse shakes mane, and the rider will straighten up in the saddle. Nevertheless, the pose of heroist speaks of his fatigue. It is probably why he thought and somewhat slow, gathering with the forces.

However, it is noticeable and his horse. His mane and tail are not fluttering, and the animal itself looks no less tired than his owner. But despite this, a certain inner determination is felt in their exhausted silhouettes - their spirit does not know fatigue and decline.

I want to note some soul unity of the horse and rider. A wonderful animal, if necessary, the warrior domain in any place, but now the horse fully shares the mood of his owner.

Vityaz and his horse, fragment of the painting "Vityaz on the crossing" details of the picture

It can be noted that Vityaz is perfectly prepared - he is in full combat closure for his back hanging the shield, the knocker is attached to the belt, decorated with decorative elements. It can be seen that he is full of arrows, which means that the warrior knows what is necessary to have a hard and long battle.

A large boulava hangs on the side, and in the right hand of the hero, a long sharp spear. The Hand of Vityaz easily and without tension squeezes him - he confidently holds the weapon, which is very good in the battle.

Vityaz on horseback, fragment of the "Vityaz on the crossroads"

Victor Vasnetsov - Master "Paints of the mood", and in "Vityaz at the crossroad", this is especially felt. Around the main hero of the canvas, human remains are visible, over which crows are torn. Above him is a formidable sunset sky, which also does not foreshadow joyful events.

Without a doubt, Vityaz is sent in an extremely dangerous path. The artist masterfully creates a gloomy oppressive atmosphere of the place where his character is.

Fragment of the painting "Vityaz on the crossroads"

"Vityaz on the crossroads" - the picture of Viktor Vasnetsov, which rightly gained fame. It displays one of the typical epic and fabulous plots, but this is not just an episode from Slavic folklore.

The painter in his creation chants the strength and valor of Russian warriors, ready to go on a fight with an unknown and deadly opponent. His Vityaz does not seek war, however, to protect his native land, he is ready to go ahead, despite the disastrous obstacles and warnings.

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