Art of choreography: how to develop a talent of a dancer


First you need to understand that the choreography is, in fact, the art of the dance record of the balletmaster. At least, it was originally. Now this concept is more about the skill of the composition and the scenic formulation of the dance. That is, to draw up its drawing. And now the word is a professional!

Art of choreography: how to develop a talent of a dancer 17070_1

Valeria, at what age can you start doing choreography? Are there any limitations?

No, there is no age limit. Even if there are health problems, you can dance, not all directions are suitable. But you always have the opportunity to choose. Doing what helps, not hurt. So we can say that there are no contraindications. It is important to just do everything with the mind and listen to the body.

Is it possible to say that choreography is that dancing?

Not really. Choreography is still temptation, a combination of dance and theatrical action. In other words, setting for any of the existing directions. BACH / BACH /

There should be a logical question from any newcomer: if I teach choreography, I can dance everything?

And this is an incorrect question. Choreography is a tool for realizing your idea. With it, you can dance something in that style that studied before. Conditionally: if you were taught to dance ballet, Camp (popular in the USA Street dance style with free, expressive and very energetic movement - ed. Ed.), You will not dance immediately. However, if you take a few lessons, you can sue correctly, since this skill you have already acquired on ballet choreography.

If I have never been doing anything before, how much will it be difficult for me?

Everything is very individual, some children begin to chat from 8 months, and some first words speak in 5 years. So in dancing: someone instantly gives out the result, and someone needs to be sweat.

Yes, but if I'm sorely moving, it will fix it? How much time will I need?

Everything can be corrected and fixed, in time you never will say. I repeat, everything depends on you and your possibilities.

I do not have a rhythm / hearing feeling. What to do?

In fact, the rumor, rhythm, plastic is everything is impeded. If you are in principle you hear, then the musical hearing can be trained.

For success in choreography, are there any additional disciplines - stretching, for example, or acrobatics? Why?

Of course, everything is interconnected. The better the body is prepared, the easier it is to move, the more opportunities you have and the better understanding of the movement.

Why do choreography in adulthood?

Oh, it can be a very long talk about the benefits of body dance and spirit, for brain activity. You can still mention research on the creation of new neural networks in the human brain ... In general, the only correct answer is: because I want. It does not only belong to the dance. Whatever you do, real joy brings only what you like. The only thing, it is important to take into account such a moment: amateur near-cellular dances develop the body, flexibility and posture, the ability to feel in space, but professional more often cripples. Therefore, everything is good, without fanaticism.

How are choreographic classes? There put the body, hands, etc.? Or just people come and immediately begin to dance something?

Hori-classes always pass differently. Everything is very dependent on the direction of dance. Of the total only sequence: this is a warm-up, class and a hint itself. Demirci / Demirci /

Is it possible if you started doing in adulthood to become a professional?

Not always. If there is such a goal, you need to carefully choose the direction. For example, this does not pass in the ballet, there are age valves there. And the children still have a few different body.

And how many years can you give to the classes of children? What is it connected with?

For any directions, be it dancing or gymnastics, before 4 years of children can not be given. They have not yet prepared the body for such loads. Too soft bones and joints. And then choose what you like. And good luck!

Thank you!

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