In Sakharov Park, the School of Judo named after the Putin coach and the Alley of Chernobyl liquidators should appear. What is aware of the development and why city counseurs against


Gordovackers are again concerned about the reconstruction of the Sakharov Academician Park. There they want to build a Judo school named after Anatoly Rakhlin - Trainer Vladimir Putin, as well as smash a large-scale alley of the liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, posted it with tiles.

According to activists, the reconstruction of the park will entail the cutting down of trees, the destruction of lawns, the appearance of a large parking lot and, possibly, the death of local animals. The opponents of the project launched a petition that about 800 people signed. "Paper" tells what is known about the situation.

In the Sakharov Park, since 2015, plan to build a Judo school named after coach Putin. 2 billion rubles allocated for the project

On December 31, 2020, official documents on the construction of a multifunctional sports complex in the park named after Academician Sakharov in Kalininsky district appeared on the public procurement website. The name of the complex is not written, but it was at this point that the construction of the Judo School named after Anatoly Rakhlin was discussed. The deputy chairman of the investment committee confirmed that the building was "on the adjacent to the park them. AK. Sakharov territory "is intended for school.

The idea to build the complex appeared back in 2015. As the former deputy head of the administration of the Kalininsky district, Roman Saplek, the building at Kondratyevsky Avenue, where the Judo School of the Rakhlin is now, does not allow "to carry out full training athletes" and conduct sports events. In addition, the official wrote, in the area there are few sports facilities, so it is necessary to build a multifunctional complex.

About 2500 athletes should be placed in the new building. According to officials, there will be judo, rhythmic gymnastics, fencing and pool shooting. The complex also want to build a 25-meter pool.

The school will be located next to residential buildings on Zasshin Street, on the site of the playground. In 2017, this territory was taken out of the fire, so it is no longer considered part of the park. What architectural project was chosen for the building - it is still unknown.

According to the plan schedule, 28 million rubles will be allocated to the sports complex in the park in 2021, almost 300 million in 2022 and 1.7 billion in 2023. In total - more than 2 billion rubles (although earlier it was planned to spend only 250 million, follows from the state program on the development of the physical culture of St. Petersburg for 2019).

What is aware of the Dzudo School project named after Rakhlin?

In 2016, for the same site, I pretext

"Studio 44" Nikita Yavina, but there "paper" reported that work would not be used in construction. In the mid-2020 activists

The expertise approved the project "Sevzapinjtechnology", but on the website of the company School as a project is not specified.

Government edition of the Petersburg diary as an interview with the son of Rakhlin Mikhail

Visualization of the Sport Complex project from the engineering company North-West. This company, judging by the state procurement, was already at least five times collaborated with the Rakhlin school. Company

In the top 3 school suppliers for state procurement. "Paper" sent a request to North-West.

Mikhail Rakhlin himself said that the project was already chosen: "were among those that we were offered, more stylish and spectacular. But they were assessed at times more expensive, and did not fit into the architecture of nearby buildings and the park. As a result, we stopped at the project, the most optimal in terms of logistics, the effectiveness of the training process and staying both beginners and professional athletes, as well as the possibility of organizing and holding urban competitions. "

In Sakharov Park, the School of Judo named after the Putin coach and the Alley of Chernobyl liquidators should appear. What is aware of the development and why city counseurs against 17001_1
The visualization of the sports complex from the engineering company North-West, city of city and residents criticize the project of school and travel to it. They offered to transfer the Sport Complex to the wasteland, but the idea was not accepted

For the entrance to the sports complex, the authorities are planning to pave the road from Marshal Blucher avenue. As the "Fontanka" wrote in 2018, its width will be 23 meters (according to officials, taking into account parking and sidewalks). In the 2020s, the Deputy Chairs of the Investment Committee confirmed that the road will be held through the park.

On public discussions in 2018, local residents told that not against the very idea of ​​the sports complex, but they criticized the travel project. In addition, many did not understand why the complex should be in the park. Residents offered to postpone the judo school to another place: for example, on the wasteland of the intersection of the laboratory street and the avenue of Marshal Bluchber, - but did not accept this idea.

In the 2021th there was a petition for the preservation of Sakharov Park, its author is a former deputy of the MO "Finnish District" Svetlana Utkin. By the time the petition was released, more than 800 people signed. One paragraph is dedicated to the sportsComplex: according to Utkin, "the construction of a judo school with parking and accessories will turn the good quarter of the park in the parking lot."

Svetlana Utkin explained "Paper" that the construction of the Judo school is only one of the points in the building of the park: "The territory where the construction of the [Sport Complex] will be taken out of the sign. According to our data, the next pockets after another house also cut out: as far as we understand, a cafe will appear there. That is, the park is born in parts, and then built up - this is the common problem. "

Utkin noted: many residents have a fear that an aparthotel will appear instead of school. At the same time, the President of the Judo Federation of St. Petersburg and the "Judo Club of the Turbo Builder", Mikhail Rakhlin, said that in this section "no other objects, except for the building of the city budget sports school, will not be built."

Where did the apart hotel come from from the site of the Sport Complex?

Residents argue the assumption that:

Publications "Real Estate and Construction of St. Petersburg", in the school documentation Judo named after Rakhlin, hotel rooms are provided; According to activists who visited public

In 2018, underground parking should also appear in the building.

In addition, Sakharov Park has already been built up: in 2000, as well as in 2009-2010 its territory

A total of more than a third to increase residential buildings, withdrawing a plot of fire.

In Sakharov Park, the School of Judo named after the Putin coach and the Alley of Chernobyl liquidators should appear. What is aware of the development and why city counseurs against 17001_2
Photo: Community "Park Academician Sakharov" in the park also want to create an alley of the eliminators of the accident in Chernobyl. It can put it tile

In addition to the Judo school named after Rakhlin, a large-scale alley of Chernobyl liquidators and playgrounds will appear in the park. As in February, the head of the Kalininsky district of Vasily Radorko was told in February, work in the park will begin already in 2021. Until April 26 (by the 35th anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant), there should be a landscaping of an existing alley and "put in order".

What a new alley will look like - still unknown. It was previously assumed that it will be laid with a tiled width of 12 meters. After criticism, the project promised to discuss with liquidators - to "understand how the Sakharov Park should look like."

A place for the alley was not chosen by chance. The folder already has a monument to the "Bell of the World", dedicated to the victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as a memorial victims of radiation accidents and disasters. According to the idea, the alley of liquidators should associate these two objects.

In Sakharov Park, the School of Judo named after the Putin coach and the Alley of Chernobyl liquidators should appear. What is aware of the development and why city counseurs against 17001_3
Photo: _Vladimirfomin_ some residents do not suit such landscaping. They fear cutting trees and damage to the landscape

Alley of liquidators has already caused many disputes. The liquidators themselves, like many residents, have remained unhappy with the project. It showed a survey, which later canceled - as wrote, due to the cheating of votes.

Some residents do not suit that the memorial can become a "place for patriotic events," such a wish expressed one of the liquidators of Vasily Naida. In addition, finding it does not want it to be "a common place for walking."

The project critics believe that the construction of a new alley will lead the cutting down of at least 30 trees, "tearing a single landscape", will create difficulties when crossing the park and will exclude most of the tracks from routes during walks.

According to Svetlana, the utkin, the arrangement of sports and playgrounds with rubber coating can also destroy the divergent lawns, and their construction near the dwelling site of the protein and owls threatens the life of animals. Sakharov Park is Natural, so Utkin and some residents do not want to see there tiles or other elements of such improvement.

Petition for saving Sakharov Park

"Sakharov Park Historically developed and cultivated as a landscape park, as close as possible to the nature of the green oasis among urban development. The park serves as a place of recreation of residents of the area, walks with children and domestic pets. In the park ride bicycles, they are engaged in a wellness Scandinavian walking. In winter, in the park, they make a skiing, ride on sledding. This is a popular all-season park for the rest of the residents. Park - public domain and decoration of the area. "

At the same time, Utkin recognizes that now the Sakharov Park is not in the best condition. According to her, there is a landscaping, which would be discussed with local residents. Utkin asks to plant more trees in the park, install additional benches and repair gravel tracks.

In Sakharov Park, the School of Judo named after the Putin coach and the Alley of Chernobyl liquidators should appear. What is aware of the development and why city counseurs against 17001_4
Photo: Community "Park Academician Sakharov" Residents require new public buildings of the park. Officially, they already go, but this did not warn anyone

The main requirement of petition is to conduct new public hearings on the construction of the Judo school and alleys of liquidators. According to Utkina, in 2018 they passed into an uncomfortable time for many: at about 15:00 on weekdays. She notes that before the start of the hearing, the most important thing is that the authorities have not established a fence, "Behind who can do anything, as it happened in the Murinsky Park.

According to the magazine of the construction of a sports complex, compulsory public discussion is automatically registered on February 20. At the same time, Utkin says that they did not prevent the inhabitants. "Paper" also did not find information about the start of the hearings.

In April 2019, Smolny approved the construction of a sports complex in the Murinsky Park. Prior to that, Anna Nova, without permission from the authorities, built another object in the park, and in 2015 he cut down the trees there and damaged soil and lawns. Local residents are against the development: they came out to the May Day procession with the Posters "Our Murinsky Park." "Paper" described in detail about the situation. In December 2020, the Court recognized the permission to build a sports complex "Nova Arena" in the Murinsky Park.

Official address: Kalininsky district, Szinshin Street, plot 1, south of the house number 29 to. 5, Literature A. It corresponds to the address of the Sakharov Park, located next to residential buildings.

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