Publication of the first part of the novel "Timbal Andromeda"

Publication of the first part of the novel
Publication of the first part of the novel "Timbal Andromeda"

On January 5, in the first issue of the magazine "Technique - Youth" in 1957, the beginning of the science fiction and philosophical novel "Andromeda Nebula" was published, which marked an important stage in the development of Soviet fiction. Its author was the famous tech-paleontologist Ivan Efremov.

According to Efremov himself, the idea of ​​space and intergalactic travel attracted him a very long time. The idea of ​​writing a cosmic novel appeared after his acquaintance with many fantastic works of foreign authors. Interplanetary wars described in them, with the subsequent catastrophe of human civilization, fought Efremov to create their own concept of conflict-free development of the universe.

Initially, the novel was to be called the "Great Ring". However, during work on the text, instead of the topic of mastering the interstellar space, the image of a person in the future of the Communist society was released, after which the name of the work changed to the "Andromeda Nebula."

In the preparation of the novel, Efremov immediately recorded the sketches and marks appeared. After collecting the material, the work on the novel for a long time he did not move from the place; The author pondered not only the history of his heroes, but the world around them. Despite this, the novel was written by quite large passages of 8-10 pages. The author himself argued that the work on the "Andromeda Nebula" was very difficult for him because of the scientific fiction topics.

Efremov, during the creation of the novel, lived on his Moscow region dacha and did not communicate with anyone, working on him almost every day. The contemplation of the starry sky and observing the binoculars of Andromeda helped him helped him.

The novel liked the Soviet reader so much that he was published by a separate book next, 1958 and translated into many languages ​​of the world. Ten years later, in 1967, the screening was released. Already at the beginning of the XXI century. Some Efremov predictions came true, as, for example, the emergence of e-books and global communication networks.


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