Country Chicken for the Season and Tips Sergey Galkin on Anti-Crisis Poultry

Country Chicken for the Season and Tips Sergey Galkin on Anti-Crisis Poultry 16973_1

As always, we, in our children's school farmer of the portal Agro 21, monitor the situation in our agricultural production, the situation with food.

As someone from the leaders said, the main thing from all of our arts is television.

And each TV now tells about the extraordinary growth and development of our agricultural production and main growth points, the main directions of development and growth are prices for agricultural products, for food.

Of course, much depends on social status, if you have already reached the situation, when you don't go shopping, then the size of product rise in prices can be calculated by scientific ways in the size you need, respectively and assign the size of your income, you can also independently.

But if you are not given the level of revenue to appoint yourself, then the rise in price have to look out on stores on the price tags, where the cost is growing not by day, but by the hour where the high costs do not want to comply with the norms derived by our science.

It is the successes of our agricultural production that raise an increasing number of citizens to self-associate products, including our deserved pensioners. Even our owners of the houses in the village, our dackets, are not satisfied with the grocery of dill - you will not be filled with one dill.

And the production of chicken meat requires year-round presence on the site. But does it require?

The current lesson for those who are year-round to be on the plot may not or do not want, for those who cannot or do not want to spend a bunch of money and time for the purchase of concrete, bricks, all sorts of insulation and heaters, to the construction of capital chickenurs.

Of course, experienced burglaries will say that it does not happen, but if they did not see this and do not know - it does not mean that this is not at all.

In the same way, as we have seasonal vegetable growing, seasonal can be the kerigation for which capital chickenurs are not needed at all, and there are no no smack of chickenurs.

And for 3 months (and even much more) with the positive temperature, we have almost everywhere, especially in our middle lane. This means that it is absolutely not necessary to purchase daily chickens in the forefront early in the spring, when they are deficit and roads.

Coochatinics production can be started in June, and even in July. And if you still start early, you can grow two "chicken crop" for the season.

There is enough a dozen wooden bars with a cross section of 50 x 50 or 40 x 50 mm and a length of 3 - 3.5 meters, 15 square meters of thin metal mesh and 10 square meters of a regular but better reinforced film.

We make a volume frame of 3.5m x 3.5m and 70-80 cm highs, we are tightening with a mesh and 1/3 additionally we are tightened with the film - this is a place where chickens will be able to hide from the wind, rain, the floor of the avoire is not.

Actually, both shape, and materials, and sizes can be different depending on the possibilities and your imagination.

Place the aviary is better on the grass, but generally wonderful if the grass will be a legow - clover, alfalfa, lupine ...

If the dimensions of your site allow you to move the aviary with broomers to a new place daily, then in such an avoir you can accommodate up to hundreds of heads, and in this case they will not even need to be fed, only to provide plenty of fresh water, every new place will provide birds in herbs, bugs every new place. Spider-worms in the amount sufficient for their proceeding.

Also, daily movement is also providing cleanliness in the aviary.

As practice has shown, such a macar, an adult healthy person can cost up to 10,000 broilers per season.

In the year we have 52 weeks, it means that in the season it is to grow and put into the refrigerator fifty broilers, the diet of our pensioners can be quite balanced.

If the daily movement, for any reason it does not work, then to maintain purity it is worth cutting the livestock in the aviary 2-3 times and, if possible, at least once a week or two, move the aviary to a new place.

And, accordingly, the footing of the feed reduced population is enough.

If there is a desire to grow more decent livestock, that is, it makes sense to increase the number of enclosures, and not their dimensions, much more difficult to move.

Experienced Kurovody, who know scientists, always advise for fattening broiler purchasing feed - starter, pre-started, after starter and other ...

The problem is that if they feed such proper feedback, then the broilers will have much more expensive than shopping and not at all better quality.

Our Children's School of Farmer recommends repeatedly proven in practice feeding-fattening broilers on fodder legumes highly protein herbs - clover, alfalfa, lupine, goat, amaranth or ordinary nettle. All of them can give a few yields per season.

These weeds lined in the area give yields more than any garden crops, while they are very smaller and less affected by garden pests, and in nutrition, especially in the content of protein, no pumpkins, zucchini and potatoes, and even more so gloomy tops, with them And nearly not stood.

That is, if you do not work with the daily movement with the daily movement, you need to cut every day and grind and set in the aviary grown feeding herbs around 0.5 kg per brother - for each broiler head. It is important not to forget to provide pets with fresh climb, in scientific - in free access.

And most importantly, nobody will cross the increasing price tags on your chickens!

(Author: Sergey Galkin).

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