Kuygerozh brings good luck while there is a job

Kuygerozh brings good luck while there is a job 16922_1

Kuygerozh or Kukarash - Chuvash mythological creature, which can be represented in two guys: birds and man.

Kuygerozh - Bird

According to the legends of the Kuyger, it looks like a chicken without feathers, and he gets out of the egg on the seventh year of life of a black rooster and black chicken. A man is born a creature. It must be 24 days to wear an egg under the arm heated with his own body or put in fresh manure.

This creature is tied to mortal. Performs the whole job offered to him. It can bring good luck and prosperity and assists in home affairs. There is practically no work that the Kuyugozhu will not work.

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The Kuygerozh helps the owners ... Frame from the cartoon: "" What to do "or Kuyger" 2007

What is dangerous kuygeror

Often the owner of this bird becomes a person who has magical abilities - a sorcerer or witch. The bird is correctly served, performing any job and bringing as much as possible gold in one night.

In return, it constantly requires new affairs if there is no work, then the creature falls into rage. But at first warns of his intentions, but if there is no work, he instantly destroys the previously created and tries to kill the owner.

In most cases, he managed. As the people they say that the Kuyagozh residents threw the hostess by the furnace, which he could have built shortly before.

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Behind the work ... Frame from the cartoon: "" What to do "or Kuyger" 2007

How to escape a person from an evil mythical being

You can get rid of such an assistant, giving him an impossible task: to count the stars in the sky, make clothes from sand, bring water in the sieve. He will be ashamed that he could not fulfill the building, and he will leave.

Kuyger man - man

The second type is known as Sukkub or Incub - the image of a human-like demon who comes to people who buried the beloved, widow. He appears every night, enveloping the man with sleepy paralysis, and drinks vitality. Over time, the victim comes, weakens and dies.

It penetrates the house through open windows, chimney, keyhole, but also often is people sleeping in nature. Prevented his penetration into the house with the help of burning incense and birch branches.

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Kuyger, takes everything that gave ... Frame from the cartoon: "" What to do "or Kuyger" 2007

What kind of peoples have similar stories

The same character meets in Mordovian fairy tales and is called Kuyger, too. That in translation means "kui" - a snake, "Coroz" - Owl. Appears in the form of owls with a snake tail.

It comes to the world of people from the egg, demolished by a rooster on the seventh year of life, but you can find it in the forest. The egg is stored in the old Sovic Duple. In the campaign behind the Kuyvogenia, it is forbidden to be baptized and gentlemen to remember, because the creature is from unclean.

Hungarians had the creature of the leader, the Kazan Tatars - Bisoyra, in the Slavs, it is similar to Rarog. All these characters can take a fiery form, spraying the flame on the fly, if they are angry and not to give work.

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