Commissioner for Human Rights commented on the action of the police for the campaign on January 23 in Vladimir

Commissioner for Human Rights commented on the action of the police for the campaign on January 23 in Vladimir 16910_1

Previously, we reported that on January 23, an unauthorized action in support of Alexei Navalny was held in Vladimir. At 14:00, the first participants began to gather on the theater area - they were numbered several dozen people.

Despite the fact that the Municipality of Vladimir rally did not agree on January 23, and the police warned the citizens on the eve of the citizens from participating in it, soon the number of participants would increase. The crowd moved from the theater area towards the Victory Square.

During the action, the police detained the participants of the procession from the theatrical square to the Victory Square.

The actions of law enforcement officers commented on the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Vladimir Region Lyudmila Romanova.

According to her, the arrests of the organizers began on the eve of the action. According to informal information, 44 people were detained in Vladimir for 3 hours of campaigning in Vladimir, 16 minors.

"The actions of the staff were generally correct. Law enforcement officers showed an excerpt. There were provocative actions from the crowd - spraying the gas titter, throwing snow and so on. Despite this police response remained restrained.

The perturbation of the participants of an unauthorized action, the perplexity of the Commissioner caused the emergence of unidentified people in civilian clothes and sports costumes, which helped police officers during detention. These people were without certificates, identifying signs, masks, "said the Ombudsman on Human Rights.

Recall that today the October District Court of the city of Vladimir issued a resolution on attracting the administrative responsibility of the organizers of the rally in support of Navalny.

Solving the question of the appointment of punishment to each of the young people for the perfect offense, the court took into account the nature and degree of its public danger, circumstances, mitigating and aggravating administrative responsibility, as well as data on the personality of each offender.

Guided by these criteria, the court found it necessary to appoint Cyril Ishutin administrative punishment in the form of an arrest for a period of 8 days, Ivan Tumanov - for a period of 7 days.

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