Lisa Arzamasova celebrates the 26th anniversary: ​​a successful career and personal life of the star "Daddy daughters"

Lisa Arzamasova celebrates the 26th anniversary: ​​a successful career and personal life of the star

The well-known Russian actress of theater and cinema, singer and TV presenter Lisa Arzamasova was born on March 17, 1995 in the capital of Russia. From childhood, the girl decided to tie his life with art, so the first role was played at 4 years old. Since then, the artist actively replenishes a list of their works on television, in cinema and theater. About the celebrity career will tell

Creative path of Lisa Arzamasova

For the first time, 4-year-old Lisa appeared in the series "Protection Line", where she got the role of the daughter of the police chief. At the same time, the artistic girl began to study in the music studio at the Russian Institute of Theatrical Art. Thanks to his mother, which has placed his daughter's pictures and resume, Arzamasov soon received an invitation to the Moskovsky Theater of the Estrada.

Lisa Arzamasova celebrates the 26th anniversary: ​​a successful career and personal life of the star
Lisa with mom

Then, the young actress received a major role in the musical, for which the prize of audience sympathies at the Moscow Debuts festival was awarded. A year later, Lisa first reached the scene of the music theater "New Opera". But the main success was waiting for her ahead.

Lisa Arzamasova celebrates the 26th anniversary: ​​a successful career and personal life of the star

In 2007, the Comedy TV series "Daddy's Daughters" came out on TV screens, in which Arzamasov played one of the main roles. The image of the Wunderkind named Galina Sergeyevna made a young actress with a real star.

After Lisa played in a variety of other projects. Among them are the films "their children", "Ryabinov Waltz", "Corporate", "Miscellenus", as well as the series "Brothers of the Karamazov", "Dostoevsky", "Catherine. Take off" and many others. The actress also presented his voice cartoon characters "Brave Hearts" and "Angry Birds in Cinema 2".

Lisa Arzamasova celebrates the 26th anniversary: ​​a successful career and personal life of the star

As for personal life, on December 20, 2020, young artist married. Her spouse became the famous figure skater Ilya Averbukh.

Lisa Arzamasova celebrates the 26th anniversary: ​​a successful career and personal life of the star

Lisa Arzamasov and now continues to delight numerous fans with bright work in the cinema and on the stage of the theater. She also leads a personal microblogging in Instagram, where fans can observe her interesting life. And even on his birthday, the star shared emotions from the holiday.

Lisa Arzamasova celebrates the 26th anniversary: ​​a successful career and personal life of the star

"Well, here ... I am a completely adult girl))) Today 26 The main day of the year for dreams, desires and riddles of the most intimate - began" (the spelling and punctuation of the author is preserved. - Editorial note), - Lisa told. In the comments, the birthdaynica received many warm words from fans and colleagues.

Previously, the birthday of Ksenia Borodin noted. Famous TV presenter thanked fans for their love and network support.

Photo: Instagram / Liza_arzamasova

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