Digest 26. Duma elders and "Love is stronger than fear"

Digest 26. Duma elders and
Digest 26. Duma elders and "Love is stronger than fear"

Daily Moscow together with the creator of the Telegram channel "somehow like that" Anatoly Spirin in the traditional digest will tell about the main political events of the week.

Putin, party, meeting

In the absence of other interesting topics and infoovodov, the announcement of the meeting of the President with the leaders of the parties was the main topic of the week discussion.

However, due to the early start of the discussions, before the very event, "all words and signals at the meeting of the President with the leaders of the Duma factions were expected and predictable," reports "Master of Pen".

Some experts urge to wait, specifying that "the most interesting thing awaits us in the message. "However, if Vladimir Putin's statements, in a view from the State Duma," without revelations ", what will happen in the message?" - Write "Boiler number 6".

What happened in the meeting?

The channel "Bendi Deputy" summarizes: "The president identified the general lines of the Duma campaign - honesty, dialogue, fighting foreign intervention." However, even in this channel "Alibabich" saw a tough political gap.

The Russian parliament has become something like a "presidential support group", but not a separate branch with its independent "subjectivity"

The profile "State Duma 2021" channel was spoken about the future Duma configuration, engaged in coverage of the situation in the lower chamber: "Talking about the" big four ", the president gave a signal that this political configuration should be saved in the new State Duma."

"Moscow Pool" noticed that "it is a socodel who will be the main topic in promoting the election campaign and it will be with her that initiatives will be implemented in the struggle for the electorate." The Siberian Channel complements: the meeting "recorded the status quo of the political alignment of forces, and the parliamentary contours have four strict bases" in the person of the current parties.

Meeting of the leaders of the Fractions of the State Duma did not pass without traditional complaints of the "Duma Starts" on each other, and at the very life

Channel Visioner as a key outcome of the meeting, calls the leader of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky leader with the head of the Communist Party of Gennady Zyuganov about the protest activities of the Communist deputy Valery Rashkina.

The project "Evening Prophet" complements: following the meeting, it becomes more apparent that "Rashkin is too expensive by Zyuganov," and all this "makes rising the results of the party on the upcoming elections, contributes to them a high degree of uncertainty both for the Communist Party and Zyuganova himself. "

Separate words of the president, in their own ways interpreted by the authors of the channels, do not give a reason to relax all parties: "Our yes" will notice in part of Putin's words "Wires of the Duma Starts". "

I am sure, in the coming months, you build your work so that nothing is left for later, and the next convocation would take a qualitative inheritance from you without unresolved, suspended issues.

Vladimir Putin

President of Russia

The channel claims that "you as you wish, and in our practice with these words usually declared a retirement, and now we will listen to the president, and there is a persistent feeling that we will not see these people in the next convening," by speaking, at a minimum, about Mironov, Zyuganov and Zhirinovsky.

However, in the case of Sergey Mironov, the next lizobudsship can save: Mironov said that "Fair Russia fully agrees with the position of the president," said the "conscience of the governors".

The behavior of the leader of the "United Russia" faction of Sergei Neverov faction was subjected to a separate attention.

Putin is much more interesting to discuss with Zhirinovsky, than to listen to the empty gloriousness of Neverov - the President is tired of "United Russia", it is obvious

political scientist

The channel "Stukach" immediately stood up for the head of the EP: "Just the nevertal speaks about the work and the party's offer is clearly and essentially, Putin is actually nothing to answer, except for words of support."

The figure of Neverov in the subject of the meeting with the leaders of the factions is interesting only by the fact that a day before meeting with the president, the agenda of the canals was "Inside" about the fact that Sergey Neversov allegedly will ask the president to head the federal partnership "United Russia" in the elections, but it was quickly refuted by the press - Service policy.

"This is what happens when you jump above such a thing as" Party Discipline, "noted the" Courage's case ". Despite the failure of the effort, the channel "BaltInfo" is confident: "Offer to lead the list of the United Russia party will come with Putin at the end of May or early June."

The meeting of the President with the leaders of the parties did not bring anything new and interesting, except that the president and the government's system at least briefly occupied an independent agenda.

Lanterns, bulk, court

An important place in the information field has been occupied by Alexey Navalny for several months. This week was discussed two events: the Sunday action "Love is stronger than fear" and the next court session in the case of an opposition policy.

The action "Love is stronger than fear" took a very ambiguous place in the assessments: the channel "Baiki from the Spasskaya Tower" is confident that "Liberal Tusovka has already recognized that the action with lanterns was at least unsuccessful - but in fact failed at all." At the same time, the chief editor of the Federal Press, Andrei Giusi, notices something new in the opposition agenda: "From the action with flashlights, the mentions of Navalny and his wife completely disappeared - this is the conclusion on the results of the analysis of the campaign in several regions, and thus wolves finally split the protests."

We ourselves with their discussions and hypotheses, and the authorities are creating information and resonance

Vyacheslav Lysakov

Deputy State Duma

This actually expresses the overall fatigue from the protest agenda.

A similar opinion expresses in its analysis by the telestorm information telegram agency: "We ourselves help" collective Soros "to march while the neutral symbol" Smartphone flashlight "as a symbol of resistance to the current regime". However, the authors of the "Stratrus" channel (Russian strategy) quietly arrange that "symbolization" has always been characterized by policies primarily for effective management and manipulation by the masses. "

Therefore, the channel estimates are quite logical, similar to the conclusion of the project "Politrok 2.0": "In general, everything is clear: the turnout is low, the start-up coverage, but throughout the country."

To a certain extent, a small number of participants was dictated, as the "New Century" channel believes, the weather situation believes, "the ancient defenders of Russia - General Frost and Colonel Snow - made a united front."

However, the share on February 14 was illuminated by another action - "On the other side of the barricades"

Correct before the start of the action with the lanterns of Ex-Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, now deputy chairman of the Security Council, laid out after a long silence in his Instagram photos with lanterns, which immediately blew up the agenda from comments and speculation.

The channel "Movement of forty fortik" is ironic, arguing that it is "trolling from the old friend of Neokon Obama and Bayden Dmitry Medvedev."

The Caucasian Channel "Ask Rasul" belongs to this more seriously, arguing that "Dmitry Medvedev's publication Against the background of calling FBK looks very ambiguous." "Duma Live" this ambiguity enshrines its commentary facing the past, "whoever spoke to, but the peak of Navalny's popularity came just for the presidency of the lady."

But even in such conditions, the ex-president and the ex-prime minister hurried to justify: the "HBC-OGPU" channel, close to the security forces, cites a comment by Mr. Medvedev, where he "explained for the photo with lanterns on the day of the action" Love is stronger than fear "- says not for Navalny, and for Greta Tunberg. "

An additional infoovode was a meeting of the court in the case of "about slander to veteran." The text broadcast of the meeting was led by the "Upholstery" channel, as a result, concluded that "the opposition politician chose a completely losing line of behavior, and the only worthy way out of this situation would apologize to the veteran.

However, the project "Russian Nou Neim" is confident that the behavior of Navalny is the "Line of the" Clowning "line on the painful places of" drama ", with which he entered into a hard clinch," hinting at the only method of combating the Circus presentation by the Justice.

How is such a blind "on the knee" and the unprepared process could be issued in public space?

Russian nou nehim


The absurdity of the situation shows the transfer of the court session to "February 20, when the Navalny Appeal in the Moscow City Court in the case of" Yves Rocher "reports" Municipal Sandbox ".

The protest agenda, which the head of the third power coalition believes Igor Skurlatov, reduces the influence of Alexei Navalny: "It is a serious brake opposition movement."

The channel "Yuri Dolgoruky" is confident that now the "Navalny" project has been undergoing long freezing - the character will now have a couple of years for political rebranding, the formation of ideology and writing in the conclusion of the book. " Nevertheless, the role of the opposition is changing on, as the authors of the "Kremlin Justoker" believe, the tool of the sanction war, because from now on, "for political communities of the West, the situation with Navalny is different than in all episodes of the" sanctions war ".

To a certain extent, the "Navalny Agenda", despite the lack of the main "Hero of the Program" in real infopole, is still one of the main topics in the messenger.

Digest author: Anatoly Spirin

Creator, chief editor of the Telegram channel "Once here so"

Photo: Getty Images duma.gov.ru

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