Russian scientists create a digital map of landfills using a neural network

Russian scientists create a digital map of landfills using a neural network 16821_1
Russian scientists create a digital map of landfills using a neural network

According to scientists, in Russia and many other countries, there is no full-fledged waste disposal system. According to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology, in the Russian Federation formed about 70 million tons of solid waste, which accumulate in landfills. Their area increases by 500 thousand hectares annually. According to Greenpeace, only less than two percent of the entire amount of waste is burned, and processed - about four.

"Now this problem is solved using interactive Internet cards. On them any user can designate the place of an unauthorized landfill. People can also collect statistics manually over ground surface marts using satellite services.

Russian scientists create a digital map of landfills using a neural network 16821_2
Definition of landfill area / © Press service Pingip

But these methods are quite laborious and require temporary and financial resources. In addition, there are no integrated tools for identifying and taking into account the dumps, control over their condition, "says one of the developers, the undergraduate of the department" Computing Mathematics, Mechanics and Biomechanics "Perm Polytech Vadim Danuelyan.

The monitoring service of illegal landfills Anti Fly-Tipping will allow you to quickly and inexpensively track the situation in the dynamics. Any user will be able to find burials at the stage of their origin, follow their growth and learn about liquidation. A digital card will allow you to collect important statistics on dumps in a specific area.

Russian scientists create a digital map of landfills using a neural network 16821_3
An example of a neural network / © Press service PNIPIPU
Russian scientists create a digital map of landfills using a neural network 16821_4
An example of a neural network / © Press service PNIPIPU
Russian scientists create a digital map of landfills using a neural network 16821_5
An example of a neural network / © Press service PNIPIPU

"The neural networks simultaneously classly class satellite images of the earth's surface and find the necessary objects. Artificial intelligence automatically detects a landfill, determines its coordinates and evaluates the area. The accuracy of the neural network reaches 89 percent. The application will show how the condition and burial size changes over time. In addition, using the service, it will be possible to determine the territory owner, its cadastral number and automatically present a lawsuit, "explains the developer.

According to the researcher, the application will be useful for state bodies and environmental organizations. The service will help evaluate the environmental situation in the region and monitor the operation of operators to handle us. They can also be used by the Operators themselves to identify new burials in a timely manner.

The final product will be a Web application that will help track the statistics on dumps around the world. Now researchers develop and teach new neural network models to improve the accuracy of the service.

Source: Naked Science

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