How did the sandwich appear?: History and Rules of cooking "Sunny sandwich"

How did the sandwich appear?: History and Rules of cooking
How did the sandwich appear? Photo: Depositphotos.

For breakfast on a quick hand, a sandwich suitable is suitable. Prepare it easy and simple. And in order to eat the so-called "tricky sandwich," no fork, no knife, nor even plates. What is a sandwich and what are the rules of its preparation? You will learn about it from the article.

We can learn about the origin of the sandwich from one common legend. This type of sandwiches appeared thanks to the English Mother, whose name was John Montagus, the fourth graf Sandwich. He was the Admiralty Lord. However, in history, the Englishman entered no thanks to this circumstance, especially since the responsibilities assigned to it, the Count performed out of her hands badly, and the invention of the sandwich.

How did the sandwich appear?: History and Rules of cooking
Thomas Gainesboro, "John Montague, 4th Count Sandwich" Photo:

Montagus became famous for his passion for gambling and excellent appetite. The story of the dish says that one day the count is so fascinated by the party in Cribbedzh, which did not find time to stand out of the table to quench the hunger. Count ordered the servant to bring him a roast beef on a plate directly to the card table. Moreover, he demanded not to file the cutlery, but to lay a piece of meat between two slices of bread. According to the plan of gambling graph, this method of filing a roast beef would allow him not to stain cards with meat juice.

So appeared "cunning sandwich" - Sandwich.

As you know, the sandwich consists of two parts:

  • "Clothes" - 2 pieces of bread;
  • filling.

What of these two components is the greatest value? Professional cooks argue that bread. It must be high quality. Without delicious bread, a good sandwich is impossible. The poor quality bore can be spoiled any filling, even the most expensive and tasty. And good bread and with a piece of oil and cheese will delight gourmet with an excellent taste and become a full-fledged breakfast.

What bread is best suited for sandwiches? The French prefer the classic baguette, the Italians - Chiabatte, the British - molded "brick". And ideally, bread should be fresh, porous, soft, with a crispy crust.

How did the sandwich appear?: History and Rules of cooking
Photo: Depositphotos.

You can do sandwiches not only with white blessing. Other varieties of bread are applicable for this purpose:

  • wholegrain;
  • rye;
  • with bran;
  • Corn and others.

Any filling is suitable for white wheat bread.

Rye chef recommend combining with:

  • Sliced;
  • breast;
  • Korean;
  • salmon;
  • Haltus.

Corn sandwich, as a rule, make using an acute tomato mask. Whole grain bread or bran, according to professionals, is perfectly combined with:

  • salad leaves;
  • Fresh greens;
  • vegetables, raw and baked;
  • unrefined oil.

Bread for sandwich is taken cut into slices (thickness - 1-2 cm). Round Baton cut a little bitmock, shaped - smooth slices. If a bun or baguette is used, then the product is cut along in half along.

How did the sandwich appear?: History and Rules of cooking
Photo: Depositphotos.

Stuffing is also important for a good sandwich. There are many options than to start the "cunning sandwich." Professional cooks argue that the best combinations of products for sandwich are:

  • Vegetables (fresh or baked) and meat;
  • Vegetables and fish;
  • Vegetables and sausage (buoyhenine, ham).

Ideal as a sndatch for sandwich and cheese.

To prepare this fast breakfast, be sure to use different sauces, and not just ketchup or mayonnaise.

To make a sandwich very tasty, during its cooking, follow several rules:

  • take only fresh foods, from using canned or frozen food refrain;
  • Greens and salad leaves do not forget to dry a paper towel after they are washed with water;
  • First prepare the filling, but only then cut the bread;
  • Do not use a lot of oil or sauce so that the bread does not stop being crispy outside;
  • Consider the compatibility of products;
  • You have products so that the sandwich is convenient to eat, and the main component of the filling is evenly distributed on bread;
  • If you are preparing a classic sandwich in English, do not forget it before serving on the diagonal;
  • Do not make sandwiches, the most delicious - just cooked.
How did the sandwich appear?: History and Rules of cooking
Photo: Depositphotos.

If you do not have enough time in the morning to prepare a full breakfast, make yourself a couple of sandwiches. Observing all the rules for the preparation of "tricky sandwich", you will get the most appetizing and delicious snack on the ambulance hand.

Author - Ksenia Mikhailova

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