The whole truth about the work of a partner woman in a male law firm


Equality requires equality of responsibilities and forces that you invest in work.

The problem of the glass ceiling for women is relevant not only in American TV shows, but in real life - in our country. True, she has other roots and manifestation forms. For different areas of business, this "ceiling" is different. A partner-woman in legal consulting today is difficult to surprise, despite the fact that in the total mass of them still no more than 15%. In my area, if you bring as much money as a partner-male, you are not afraid of keeping loud things and you go to the victorious - no one will relate to you. But this trust need to be deserved.

Always be yourself

There is only one chance to make the first impression, so there is no time to build someone who you are not. Either you will not believe, or have to suffer from someone else's role. In both cases, you lose the precious time.

I was very afraid to fail the first interview. I decided that I would not prove anything to partners, but I would try to interest them. For example, I will ask questions that make them think on a par with me. And it seems to me, worked. We were interested in talking, and I felt respect for myself.

As the general director of Microsoft Catya said, the curiosity is the only quality of personality that determines the superman.

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Do not be afraid of failures and crisis situations

Another excellent quote: "If you have no negative experience - buy it for big money." Your failure is just the first contribution to future success. One way to overcome fear is to believe that even if the worst concerns are justified, we can still turn the situation in our favor. The main quality that is worth learn to a woman in the men's team is the resistance and ability to keep a blow. No one is insured against errors, but if she still happened, the next stage is to draw conclusions and go on.

No doubt

Women tend to doubt their power and abilities. When I was invited to BGP Litigation, I literally argued myself that it was not ready that there would be those who would be able to fulfill this work better than me. It is good that we had wise colleagues who, hurting me on the shoulder, said that the best way to confirm or disprove my theory - just try. "The company needs to come with widely revealed eyes and the desire to learn," this is a very faithful phrase of Regina Kuzmin, President Unilever in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Do not tell yourself "no", there will always be those who will say it for you.

Plan and set priorities

Tasks sometimes becomes physically more than can be solved in the moment. "The plan was excellent, simple and clear. The lack of him was one: it was completely unknown, how to put it in execution "(" Alice in Wonderland "). Strace when necessary. Do not regret yourself, it is necessary to clearly say that this time (let's say, the week) is a lot for you decides, but it is just a week.

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Do not suffer perfectionism

You can always do better. But the best, as you know, the enemy is good. To manage to fulfill all the tasks from the list of cases, they just need to do and go further. Then, looking back, you will see a huge mountain that has already switched.

Cancel into the team of dissenters, strong people, strive for a variety

Women sometimes tend to look for support in others. Because of this, they form a team of those who are comfortable to work, who will understand and support in a difficult situation. However, such a policy does not contribute to internal and professional growth.

You need to be able to negotiate with anyone. Open talents and do not be afraid that someone will breathe in your back. This allows you to look at the problem at different angles and find the most unexpected solutions. When there is a common idea, trust and recognition of merit - they inspire go ahead.

Choose your heart career, not money

In the career race win lovers. Therefore, choose the work strategically. Money can not be the only motivator. If Money IS All You Want, It Will Be All You Get. Happy people usually know how to strive for something, but also enjoy the way.

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Love and listen to yourself

We first put the mask on yourself and create a safe psychological environment in the team.

Statuses based on hierarchies exist only to the extent that we are willing to recognize them. This also applies to gender stereotypes. The ability to empathy is absolutely necessary quality for leaders of any level. Women actually endowed with those qualities that there are lack of today's leaders: they are strong and decisive, but at the same time careless, wise and enough courtesy.

Exhale. Reboot

Otherwise, you will begin to skip obvious things and you will not be able to create anything new. A small pause inhales life into any process. Not always the right road is the most difficult.

And finally, it is impossible to divide life to work and personal, achieve the famous Work-Life Balance. Life that consists of two contradictory parts can lead to alarming disorders and nervous breakdowns. At home I am alone, at work is another. There is a professional implementation, there is your role in society, you yourself and your personal time, needs, desires that support you afloat and give energy. It is important to comply with the balance in general, without trying to achieve it at every individual. Women's fate - juggle tasks and priorities. Well, to solve the heart, of course.

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