98 years old without Hovhannes Tumanyan

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All Armenia's poet, a major master of the artistic Word of Ovanes Tumanyan made an invaluable contribution to the development of Armenian poetry, many of his works are masterpieces of Armenian literature. It was not 98 years ago on this day.

Tumanyan played a special role not only in the history of native literature, but also in the spiritual life of the Armenian people. "Art should be clear, transparent as an eye and as an eye complex," said the poet, and all his work devoted to this goal. And indeed, the Language of the works of Tumanyan is surprisingly simple and natural, but at the same time - it is alive and shaped. In the life of Tumanyan, they called the "poet of all Armenians", and today the popularity of its works from the Armenian people is great.

Ovanen Tadevosovich Tumanyan was born (7) on February 19, 1869 in the Armenian village of DECE, in the family of a priest. Since childhood, knowing heavy peasant life, he, at the same time, grew surrounded by folk songs, fairy tales and traditions. The initial education of Ovanenis received at the Jalalogli school (Stepanavan), and in 1883 he moved to School Nersheyan in Tiflis. However, due to the material difficulties, he could not finish it and was forced to go to work in the Tiflis Armenian People's Court in 1887, and later - to the Office of the Armenian Publishing Company, where he worked until 1893. Working in society, Tumanyan had access to various literature and books he read ten. This is the works of the famous Armenian writers, and fairy tales of different peoples of the world, and creativity Goethe, Heine, Pushkin, Lermontov, Shakespeare, Bairon.

In the mid-1890s, Tumanyan leaves the service forever to devote himself entirely to literary creativity. He began to write since the mid-1880s, published in Armenian newspapers and magazines. But I received wide fame after the release of the "poem" collection in 1892. In his works of those years, Tumanyan displays the serious life of the Armenian peasantry, among those - poems: "Maro" (1892), "Sako from Laurie" (1890), "Wedding" (1890), "Anush" (1892) and others. But many works are devoted to both Armenian folklore. At the heart of many of its poems ("Taking the fortress of TMUK", "Akhtamar", "Parvana", "David Sasunun"), ballads and fairy tales ("drop of honey", "Brave Nazar", "Host and Worker", "Cuckoo", "Dog and cat" ...) Folk legends lie. In general, the literary inheritance of Tumanyan is very diverse - it is poetry and prose, lyrics and epos, poems, fairy tales, fables and ballads.

But the genuine element of his work is epos. In addition, he enriched Armenian literature and a number of excellent translations of the works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Koltsov, Nekrasov, Goethe, Schiller, Bairon, Heine and other Russian and Western European poets.

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In addition to the literary creativity, Ovanenis was actively engaged in public activities. In the 1900s, he actively engaged in children's literature, was an employee of the children's magazine "Asker"; In 1899, Tiflis founded a literary circle "Vernatun" ("Mansard"), a member of which were prominent Armenian poets, writers, artists and composers. At the beginning of the 20th century, Tumanyan actively opposed the bloody interethnic clashes, was twice arrested.

In 1912-1921, he headed the Caucasian Society of Armenian writers, called for cooperation with the democratic forces of Russia. During the First World War, he went to the front several times, he himself was issued by the device of thousands of refugees and orphans. During the Genocide, Armenians helped refugees from Western Armenia, played a truce in the Armenian-Georgian war of 1918.

In 1921-1922, he headed the Committee of Assistance to Armenia, participated in the construction of a new culture, in numerous articles covered issues of public life and literature. But soon his health began to deteriorate quickly ...

Ovanes Tumanyan died from cancer on March 23, 1923 in Moscow, in the hospital, was buried in Tbilisi in Pantheon Khodatyn.

The creativity of Tumanyan became an integral part of the spiritual world of the Armenian people and had a great influence on the development of Armenian literature. The images created by him found an incarnation in visual arts, theater, movies, music - his works were more than once on theatrical scenes and were shielded, his work was translated into many languages ​​of the world. In Armenia, the name of the poet is called the city, streets, schools, he installed monuments, in Yerevan and in the village of Dsekh, there are Museums of Tumanyan, besides, Tumanyanovsky days are held every year.

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