Such an actor, but there is no happiness ... Favorite women, dislike for Shurika, "second-rate" cinema, lack of money. The hard fate of Alexander Demyanenko


Known to many by the role of "Shurika" Actor Alexander Demyanenko actually was pretty

. He preferred not to spread about his problems and personal life. It is even about the fact that he often sought his heart, the artist did not say anyone without giving it much importance. Alexander Sergeevich went away on August 22, 1999, 62-year-old actor did not live a little to the planned operation.

Such an actor, but there is no happiness ... Favorite women, dislike for Shurika,
Alexander Demyanenko, photo:

Hostage Shurika

After the release of "operations s ..." and "Caucasian Captive ..." Many were sure that the artist became arrogant. In fact, Demyanenko went outside in dark glasses and avoided people because of their shyness. The popularity has fallen on it has become a real test for the actor. Strange people could approach him on the street and pat on the shoulder with a proposal:

"Hey, Shurik, let's drink."
Such an actor, but there is no happiness ... Favorite women, dislike for Shurika,
Frames from the film "Caucasian Captive", photo:

This attitude was very frustrated by the artist, because not only the audience, but the directors saw only the "Shurika" in it, and he was able to play more serious and significant roles.

Such an actor, but there is no happiness ... Favorite women, dislike for Shurika,
Alexander Demyanenko in the film "Caucasian Captive", photo:

Spouse Demyanenko Marina Sklyarov, with whom he met still at school, always supported her husband in all his creative endeavors. They arrived together to Leningrad from Native Sverdlovsk. Sklyov became the playwright, but in the first place she always had a favorite spouse.

She combined both a business woman and a home custodian. He was absolutely not adapted to everyday life, so he really had a similarity with the Chouriki eccentric.

Such an actor, but there is no happiness ... Favorite women, dislike for Shurika,
Alexander Demyanenko and Marina Sklyarov, photo:

Gone and closed the door behind him

Spouses lived together for almost 20 years, the children in marriage never appeared. Later, Marina Danilovna admitted that there was not one abortion. The famous husband was against the replenishment in the family.

Once Demyanenko collected his belongings and left, leaving his wife all the property acquired by years. She, in turn, did not arrange scandals and just let go.

Such an actor, but there is no happiness ... Favorite women, dislike for Shurika,
Alexander Demyanenko in the film "Operation s", photo:

Alexander Demyanenko did not comment on their care.

"Probably love is over"

- Leonid Gaida Nina Golshkova was shared by his reflections.

The second spouse actor was the director's assistant on Lenfilm - Lyudmila Akimovna. They met in 1975, the feelings between them did not break up immediately - both were already in adulthood, Lyudmila had a daughter. Alexander Sergeevich began to put out the sign of attention to the woman as he led to a serious relationship.

Such an actor, but there is no happiness ... Favorite women, dislike for Shurika,
Alexander Demyanenko with the second wife Lyudmila, photo:

The couple lived together, and the actor for another 12 years did not divorce with the first spouse. They said that he simply did not want to raise her once again. According to a friend of the family, after parting Marina Danilovna tried to draw suicide in the hope that the Alexander could return this way.

After the divorce, they and Lyudmila immediately registered their relations, all the years lived together, the spouses were happy together. Demianenko was not particularly talkative, loved to spend time alone with him, and he did not interfere with him, he was just around.

Such an actor, but there is no happiness ... Favorite women, dislike for Shurika,
Alexander and Lyudmila Demyanenko, photo:

The only thing that overshadowed the happiness of the couple, the fact that not all the surroundings of the actor immediately accepted his second wife. Also, many colleagues did not understand why Alexander does not like his role "Shurika", because it was she who made Demyanenko famous.

In the 90s, the artist remained without work due to the misunderstanding with the new leader of the comedy theater. He was condemned for filming in the series "Strawberry", not understanding how he could drop to such a level. And Alexander Sergeevich simply did not know how to make money on life, there was no money disastrous. But all his own problems left with him.

Such an actor, but there is no happiness ... Favorite women, dislike for Shurika,
Alexander Demyanenko in the film "World Incoming", photo:

I will die from fear ...

Summer in 1999 was quite hot, and Alexander Demyanenko began health problems. At first he did a "heart plaster", which he advised the doctors, his wife, hardly managed to persuade him to go to the doctor. During the examination, it turned out that the actor suffered a heart attack and immediately sent to intensive care. Alexander Sergeevich did not realize the whole seriousness of the situation, even cheered that he would die like Evstigneev, from fear.

Preparation for coronary and further shunting began, but before the operation, the Grand Artist no longer lived. On the morning of August 22, he died as a result of the eight of the pulmonary heart disease.

Women for whom he was more expensive

Lyudmila Akimovna left life in 2005, surviving her husband for 6 years. I buried her next to Demyanenko, on the monument of which there is no photo. Such a decision took his widow, referring to the fact that during his lifetime he was constantly under the supervision, even if he would now rest from a curious eye.

Such an actor, but there is no happiness ... Favorite women, dislike for Shurika,
Spouses Demyanenko, photo:

Many were sure that the artist struck out Marina Sklyaru from his life. That's just many years later, Alexander Sergeevich's first wife told that he came to her after parting and suffered very much. In the last years of his life, he was not needed anywhere as an actor, and this could not be upset.

"Come, sat down in a chair and sobbed,"

- she remembered.

Such an actor, but there is no happiness ... Favorite women, dislike for Shurika,
Marina Sklyarov, photo:

Marina Danilovna died in 2017. After the divorce, she never married again, lived in them with Demyanenko's apartment. She very carefully kept the memory of the former spouse and could not come to compete with his care from the family and from life.

Earlier, we wrote about actresses, who, instead of their native father, raised the famous stepfather as a native daughter. One of these actresses is Mary Powder, who recently turned for help to its subscribers, the movie star wants to save the life of a little girl. Meanwhile, in the family of the opera singer Mary Maksakova, the passion does not defeat the passion, the performer complained about the bad relationship with his mother and former cohabitant.

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