7 effective ways are less and killed appetite


Many people who want to part with hate kilograms are interested in the question - how less is there, and what ways there are ways to interrupt appetite. It is about this that will be discussed in this article.

Effective ways are less and killed appetite

Most often attempts to lose weight end, hardly time to start. This is due to the fact that people drive themselves in a very harsh framework and, in simple language, they are hunger. Obviously, such an approach is doomed to failure. Whatever the power of the will had a person, the body will not deceive. Yes, and from a psychological point of view, it is not easy - yesterday, a person allowed himself everything that he loves, and today - completely refused. Here are two options, and both are completely far from losing weight:
  1. Breaking A person tolerate a tough diet for a long time, but at some point it does not stand, and begins to eat everything in large quantities. As a result, the losingser is gaining lost kilograms back.
  2. Slow metabolism. If a person translates himself on a diet with a critically low daily calorieness, nothing good will be released. At first, the figures on the scales will be delighted, but a few weeks later will be noted that the weighting ceased to lose weight. This is due to the fact that the body slows down the metabolism. He does not understand, a person is on a diet and wants to lose weight. For him, this is a huge stress. And since he receives a minimum calorie every day, he slows the metabolism. This is a dead end. Moreover, if at such a moment a person is angry and starts to eat as before (much and often), that is, the risk of gaining weight even more than it was to lose weight. And all because the body will immediately stock in fat.

That is why many nutritionists argue that hard diet do not work. But how to be? A good option is to deceive your appetite and there are fewer less - this option will be good in order to lose weight. The first condition is a calorie deficit, the second one - a person should not have a strong sense of hunger.

The first method - the presence of a balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner

The right way to get rid of the permanent feeling of hunger is to properly drafting the diet. Namely - breakfast, lunch and dinner must be full and balanced meals. Moreover, approximately 75% of the total daily calorage should enter the body in the first half of the day, that is, in the process of breakfast and lunch.

Many during weight loss refuse breakfast and dinner. But it is radically wrong. It is the first meal after awakening launches the metabolism and causes the body to burn fat. Dinner is important from the point of view that a person will not feel a feeling of hunger. What you need to know about breakfast

The first meal must necessarily observe not only proteins, but also carbohydrates. After all, it will give the opportunity to stock up the energy for a while. For example, you can brew a little oatmeal as a breakfast and add a boiled egg or a little chicken fillet to it.

What you need to know about lunch

At lunch, you can also eat some carbohydrates and add protein food to it. And the right solution can be used in daily food food vegetable salad. Together with him the body will receive a fiber that improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract and suits the body for a long time.

What you need to know about dinner

Forget about the saying, in which the dinner should be given to the enemy. He himself will come in handy. A person will not gain weight, but will continue to lose weight, even if you have dinner at 9 pm. The main thing here is what exactly you will use food as an evening meal. A good option is all the same non-fat meat or fish with vegetables. Alternative can be degreased cottage cheese. But do not eat it too much. But it is important that you will be able to sleep without a wild feeling of hunger.

The second way - eat often, but gradually

Many nutritionists agree that there is very important in the matter of weight loss, as far as the person is at the person. It is safe to say that someone who does not have breakfast is, at work, the conditional burger "throws" at work, and in the evening the house has a half of the refrigerator - the metabolism is slowed to the limit. And this method is unlikely to allow you to bring your figure to normal.

Nutritionists claim that it is necessary to eat 5-6 times a day for promoting metabolism, but in small portions.
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Failure - useful and efficient to accelerate metabolism

It is less to interrupt appetite, and a fractional food will help to lose weight. You can try instead of a dense breakfast, lunch and dinner at 8, 14 and 19 hours, organize 5 meals, but lighter. For example, at 8, 11, 14, 17 and 19 hours.

As a snack, with the help of which we will interrupt appetite, can perform baked chicken or turkey fillet, or low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese.

The main thing is that with adding the number of food meals, the total daily calirage has not increased.

Third way - instead of food drink tea

Take a rule - if you start feeling a feeling of hunger, but on schedule before meals still need to wait, brew green tea and drink it slowly. Such a "snack" is a drink necessarily curbs your appetite for a while. In addition, green tea is useful for the body and even contributes to accelerated fat burning.

Fourth way - snacks in non-planning time

If the hunger really broke out and I want to eat something, you can not refuse such pleasure. Even if the goal is to get rid of extra kilograms. It is important here - what exactly are you going to have a snack. No buns, sandwiches, fast food, candies and other things. Believe me, staring one candy, you will not beat the feeling of hunger, but the increase in blood sugar will necessarily occur. And this, in turn, to interfere with the process of fat burning. To your attention (as an example) a list of products and their caloric content:

  • Five small strawberry berries - 25 kcal;
  • One medium carrot - 15 kcal;
  • Half orange - 50 kcal;
  • 50 grams of low-fat curd - 50 kcal.

As you can see, it is quite possible to have a snack, and at the same time practically without adding calories into your diet.

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Fifth way - to use liquid before meals

Want less to eat and interrupt the appetite? Would you like after receiving food, you felt a feeling of satiety, even if you ate a bit? Then 5 minutes before me to drink a mug of water. This is true an effective way to deceive appetite and not afford to be energized. By the way, water can notice all the same green tea without any harm to health. And rather, on the contrary. This option will be no less preferred.

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Sixth way - increase the volume of the fluid consumed

To all those who are trying to lose weight, nutritionists in one voice are recommended to drink 2-, 25 liters of pure water daily. And, as practice shows, it really works. This not only speeds up the process of separation with extra kilograms, but in general, reduces the level of appetite.

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Seventh Method - Full Alcohol Disclaimer in any form

If you wish to lose weight, but you can't curb your appetite, it is probably the case in alcohol. If you periodically consume any alcoholic beverages, you should refuse it. The effect will be noticeable immediately - a person will cease to feel a sharp feeling of hunger. In addition, abandoning the use of alcohol, you, as they say, kill two hares at once - reduce your appetite and save yourself from unnecessary calories. Yes, almost all alcoholic beverages are high calorie. With the exception, perhaps, red dry wine. But it needs a measure.

Now you know how less there are and what ways there are ways to interrupt appetite. Successes in weight loss!

And how do you interrupt appetite to reduce the amount of food consumed?

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