Why not blooming violets: 7 frequent reasons

Why not blooming violets: 7 frequent reasons 16727_1

The violet is in popularity beats all records. This plant is almost in every home: this is a family charm, and the keeper of the home coat. A healthy plant, which is only enough, can bloom continuously for 10 months. Only, unfortunately, not all. If the plant "Capriznitsy", there may be several reasons. We'll figure it out why the violets do not bloom.

Why not blooming violets: 7 frequent reasons 16727_2

Cause 1. Perekamili

Often, even an externally, a healthy plant does not bloom, because it is reconciled by nitrogen and heastered. Furily violet can be and necessary, but within reasonable limits. To do this, any liquid flower fertilizer can be used, but necessarily marked "for flowering plants". In them, the increased content of phosphorus is the element stimulates the formation of floral barriers, and, nitrogen, on the contrary, increases the leaves.

If the instructions are recommended to breed a cap fertilizer, then you need to take a quarter. It is better to feed more often (1 time per week), but a weakly concentrated solution.

Cause 2. Bad drainage

Selecting the pot for violet, pay attention to the drainage holes. It is better if there are many of them, and they will be large enough. One hole quickly clogs the earth and stops performing its function. But the violet is most afraid of the roots of the roots. And if the roots are freezed in the cold time, rhizome can hit the root rot. Characteristic signs of this disease - faded leaflets of brown.

Cause 3. Lack of Light

This problem is easy to see the naked eye. The leaves of the plant are pulled out, become pale and weak. If the plant looks like this, it may mean that he lacks solar energy. The best place for violet - South or Western window sill.

Why not blooming violets: 7 frequent reasons 16727_3

Cause 4. Too big pot

Spacious pot is not the best "house" for violet. In a large pot, the plant will begin to quickly increase the rhizome, until it fully fills the container. Until that time, flowering will not or it will be very weak.

Remember the rule: the violet blooms abundantly only when her roots rest in the walls of the pot.

Cause 5. Insurance

Well, if the violet begins to share and many children appear around the main socket. Many are waiting for flowers a lot. However, this opinion is erroneous. The plant simply will not have enough strength to grow off the offspring and cook the wound. Therefore, small rosettes-kids are better to immediately disembark into separate pots.

Sometimes kids are so growing into the maternal stem, which is laid out without root. It is not scary, considering the speed with which violets increase the roots.

Why not blooming violets: 7 frequent reasons 16727_4

Cause 6. Tight soil

The soil in a pot with violets should be light, loose, breathable. It is easiest to buy a finished soil for violets (it can be called "violet"). You can also make a soil yourself. To do this, take in equal proportions of large river sand, sheet humus and turf. And you can also add vermiculite (mineral from the group of hydroslyud). Vermiculitis easily absorbs moisture and also easily gives it, creating an optimally wet environment to power the root system.

Check the grounding of the soil is easy to: take a handful of land in the palm, clamp in the fist and break again. Soil after this should easily crumble.

Cause 7. Dry air

For all indoor floors, wintering in the apartment is stress. No plant loves dry air and heat from the battery. Therefore, on the windowsill next to the pots, it is recommended to put several tanks with water to moisturize air. And the occasionally can be attributed to flowers in the bathroom and neatly warm water washed with dust from the leaves. After the soul, it is important to leave the flowers to dry in the bathroom. And only then they should be returned to the place - on the windowsill.

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