Interests in the Ottoman State: between the world and the war


Tamerlan, who conquered not one state, was a man wise and pragmatic, "the invention of the bicycle" was not engaged in conquered lands, the principle of the Great Roman Empire was used, - "divide and conquer". He applied the same proven scheme in the Ottoman Sultanate after the death of Sultan Bayazid I in captivity.

He divided the Sultanate on the province, appointed the eldest son of Bayazid I formal leader, although some of the land, once a single sultanate, gave to the management of other sons, and someone had betrayed oblivion at all. Having laid a hidden hostility between the brothers Tamerlane loss to conquer China, but on the road died on 69 years of life. The Ottoman Sultanate was plunged into the period of civil war, turmoil and between almost 11 years.

Glory turns his head, the power of the heart tickles ...

The life of the sons of Bayazid passed under his magnificent and the brilliant yard was drowning in luxury. Father conquered the peoples and states, he served a lot of subjects. It is not wonderful that the sons of the ruler will help get the place of their father, especially in practice already entered the ledge of the throne by the biggest challenger, regardless of the date of birth and, respectively, seniority.

In the fight against the political arena, which will soon turn into the arena of combat operations will be released four Sons of "Lightning": Isa Clalebi, Suleiman Chelaby, Musa Chelaby and Mehmed Chelaby. There will be power and life of the princes on Konu, there is something to compete.

I would like to notice that "Clalebi" is not a title and not a surname, but the designation of "scientific degree", i.e. We carried this prefix taught a diploma, graduated from a minimum equivalent to the madrasa. Therefore, many noble characters of Ottoman history have this prefix in the name, which does not mean accessories to the ruling dynasty.
Interests in the Ottoman State: between the world and the war 16658_1
Paolo Veronese "Sultan Bayazid I"

Bonus Fate - Kattin Iron Timur

Having defeated Ottomans at Ankara, Tamerlan did not consider it necessary to establish any agreements with the defeated. He will send gifts to the eldest son Bayazid, - Suleiman. Together with the gifts, there will be a caftan, which, according to the tradition of the time, in the east, the ruler gives his subordinate, as a sign of his grace and destroying it.

Suleiman wondered, on the one hand a hundred years of independence of the Ottoman Sultanate will end with the adoption of Tamerlan Protectorate, on the other, is the guarantee to become a ruler and not risking life, collecting troops to a new battle with Chrome Timur. Suleiman, unlike his father, was a more diplomat, rather than warrior, as it can be seen from the results of his rule, and he goes to this concession.

Suleiman will swear the remaining viziers who survived the battle of Janachara and most of the courtyard. It will remain in Rushelia and the safety of its possessions will decide to implement through diplomatic and legal reforms. Almost always, not to be born in your time, it means to lose everything. Those centuries did not welcomed the legal solution to the issue.

Life was then built on the principles of Abdula from the Soviet militant "White Sun of the Desert", "" My Father said before dying: "Abdullah, I lived the poor man and I want God to send an expensive bathrobe and a beautiful break for the horse." I waited a long time, and then God said: "Sit on the horse and take it, what you want, if you are brave and strong."

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Suleiman Chelby

Soon Suleiman will make sure that the power is not enough as a gift, you need to keep it with the power of weapons, but until he releases the Byzantium from vassal addiction. Transfer Byzantium Bulgaria, Middle Greece, coastal territories from Silivri to Varna. Control over the Bosphorus and Dardanelles will also go to Byzantium and the Ottoman fleet will be able to cross them only with its permission.

The guarantors of the execution of these conditions will be his younger brother, the son of Bayazid Kasym and his daughter Fatma, who will go to Constantinople and will be hostage at the courtyard of the Byzantine emperor. Also, a number of concessions will be made by the Market Marines of Venice and Genoa.

In return, Byzantium recognizes officially Suleyman Sultan and the head of the Ottoman state. Of course, it will protect the northern borders, will raise the status of Suleiman in the international arena, but Baeliki, who were previously under the authority of Osmanov, will feel the weakness of the new Lord and will decide to regain independence.

Doomed to war

Tamerlan was absolutely uninteresting was the restoration of a strong uniform power in the conquered Sultanate, and he laid the "stumbling blocks" for future contenders for the throne. His moves were far-sighted, providing the conflict of interest between the sons of Bayazid, even in the absence of Tamerlan in these lands.

Without giving brothers the opportunity to unite their efforts. Recognizing the ruler of Suleyman who was in Rumelia, he nevertheless gives the management of Bursa Ise, and after the death of Bayazid, his son Musa will be taken to burial to the body of his father, providing him with a significant army. Isa fearing brother's violence, leaves the city.

Mehmed, former to the battle of Ankara, manager of the province with the center in Amasa, decides with the right part of the troops to return there, but Tamerlan appoints a governor of Kara Devletsha. Mehmed, the only one of these four sons of Bayazid, did not give the oath of Tamerlane. At night, he will raid on Amassia, he will overthrow and kill Kara Devletsha and declare himself to Sultan. With the death of Tamerlan in the Sultanate, a fratricidal war will break up.

Brother on Brother - the price of the authorities

Having gathered the significant forces of Isa will return to himself to Bursa. It should be noted that the trip with the troops and the body of the Father for the burial in Bursa Musoy is not confirmed by the majority of the sources of that time. Only in the work of Harry Magulias "decay and the fall in Byzantium to Turks-Osmans" is mentioned this event, as well as some chronicles describe events related to Tamerlane themselves.

However, other sources argue that Musa after the captivity at Ankara was transferred to Tamerlane on guardianship Yakubu Hermiano and given later Mehmonda, at his request. In the work of B. P. Kinross "Flowering and decay of the Ottoman Empire", in general, the truth of the personality of Musa is generally questioned, which he only gave himself for the true son of Bayazid, who killed in captivity.

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Paolo Veronya "Musa Chelaby"

Whatever it was, but Mehmed will go to the war on ISU and Okole, take Bursa. After that, in the Union with Musoy, as his leader will begin the war with Suleiman. At first, Suleiman will be able to take both Bursa and Ankara. But Mehmed climbs through the Black Sea of ​​Troops under the leadership of Musa to the European part of the Sultanate. Suleiman will be forced to return to Rumelia.

The victories of Musa will become significant, Suleiman will be captured and executed. Musa will declare himself to the Sultan and Lord of the Ottoman Sultanate, capturing its European part. After that, he will take Konstantinopol in the siege.

The emperor of Byzantium Manuel II will ask for support from Mehmed, will provide him with his ships and the troops Mehmed will begin the struggle with the troops of Musa. The confrontation will continue with varying success from 1411 to 1413. Finally, in 1413, Mehmed, with the support of the notorious Serbian Prince Stefan Lazarevich on the plain of the chamurley (now Samokov, Bulgaria) will break the troops of Musa.

Musa himself, although wounded, but will be able to escape, but later will be captured and strangled. In the Sultanate, Sultan Mehmed I, who won the power of his brothers, tribesmen and subjects to the throne, will again be restored.

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Paolo Verrimesse "Sultan Mehmed I"


Overly to write about the blinding effect of power on those who are seeking to her, do not affect the motives and actions of Ottomans, who have tried to restore their statehood at any cost.

Amazes the position of the states of the European part of the Ottoman Sultanate. While Bayliki Malaya Asia remembered independence and tried to return it to themselves, all the Balkans and Byzantia were trying to support the tenting power of Ottoman Sultanov, in order to consolidate their well-being at their expense.

The extremely inconsistent and not much thinking of the rulers of these countries will lead to the fact that the Ottoman state for many centuries will absorb these countries and peoples.

Literature and sources:

  1. Harry Magulias "decline and the fall of Byzantium in front of Turks-Osmans"
  2. Caroline Finkel "Dream Osman: History of the Ottoman Empire 1300-1923"
  3. Dimitris Castrisis "Sons of Bayazid: Construction of the Empire and Presentation in the Ottoman Civil War 1402-13"
  4. B. P. Kinross "Flowering and decay of the Ottoman Empire"
  5. Yu. A. Petrosyan "Ottoman Empire. Power and death "

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