Celebrities who became mothers thanks to eco


Millions of women worldwide are grateful to the doctors for the opportunity to get pregnant with

(Extracorporal fertilization). For many, it turns out to be the only opportunity to know the happiness of motherhood. Among the Russian and foreign stars, there are also many mothers who used this procedure.

Lera Kudryavtseva

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Lera Kudryavtseva with daughter, photo: wwwomen.ru

The famous TV presenter could not give birth to a second child. The first son of Jean she gave birth to another 19 years. Kudryavtseva did everything possible to get pregnant again.

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Son and daughter Lera Kudryavtseva, photo: my.ua

Three times the problem was carried out by the ECO procedure. As a result, she succeeded, but the pregnancy proceeded difficult, the birth was also not easy. Remuneration for long torment and testing was the daughter of Masha. The difference between Kudryavtsevaya kids is 28 years old.

Kristina Orbakayte

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Kristina Orbakaite with daughter, photo: snapshot24.site

For several years, the singer could not get pregnant from his husband Mikhail Zemtsov. As a result, the spouses decided to seek help from the specialists of reproductive medicine. Orbakaite hid a long pregnancy not only from the public, but also from his own mother Alla Pugacheva. The joyful news of Christina told shortly before the birth of a child. In 2012, the daughter was born in the orbakaite, called the girl of Claudia. From past marriages, the artist has two sons.

Elena Borscheva

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Elena Borscheva and his spouse and children, photo: news-rbk.ru

Former Participant Comedy Woman and a member of the KVN team "National team Pyatigorsk" Elena Borschev, together with her husband's fitness coach, Valery Yushkevich brought up two daughters. The first daughter of March was born naturally, after 7 years the artist decided on the ECO procedure, and on April 1, 2015 gave birth to a second baby by the mind. The joyful news of Elena shared in his Instagram account:

"Stunning doctors who know their work and work on the result, and not attempt. Who did Eco, he will understand. "

Jennifer Lopez

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Jennifer Lopez with children, photo: peopletalk.ru

The singer and her spouse Mark Anthony spent several years to try to become parents. All the efforts of the pair were unsuccessful. Spouse Singers even offered to use the services of a surrogate mother. But Jennifer decided to resort to the artificial fertilization procedure. The artist did not get pregnant from the first time, but in 2008 she still managed to endure and give birth to wonderful children Emmy and Max. Lopez itself soon turned forty years. However, even children could not save the marriage Jennifer and Mark, the couple divorced. Now the former spouses together actively participate in the life of children and try to maintain friendships.

Angelina Jolie

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Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt with children, photo: Vladtime.ru

Large star couple Jolie and Brad Pitt have three native children and as many ads. The eldest daughter Shailo was born in 2006, and 2 years after Eco, twins Vivien and Knox were born in the family. Angelina's cesarean operation was conducted in Nice Medical Institution. The first photo of the newborn cost one of the American magazines at $ 14 million. But, despite such a number of children, celebrities all the same divorced.

Nicole Kidman

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Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise with reception children, photo: Showbiz.mirtesen.ru

Attempts to give birth to a child for a spouse Tom Cruise was not crowned with success, then Kidman and Cruz decided to adopt the girl Isabella and Boy of Connor. It is rumored that when Nicole was in the third month of pregnancy, the spouses were separated and this was the cause of the abortion of the actress.

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Nicole Kidman and Kit Urban with daughters, photo: bonifas.ru

But in marriage with the whale urban Kidman gave birth to the daughter of Sandey Rose. For this, a married couple took advantage of Eco's procedure. The second daughter Feit Margaret gave birth to a surrogate mother.

Celine Dion

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Celine Dion and Rene Angelil with children, photo: u-tv.ru

The first son of the singer Rene-Charles was born in 2001. Before the world, the following children, singer and her spouse Rene Angelilya had to survive 6 cycles of artificial fertilization. In 2010, Celine managed to get pregnant and give birth to Gemini Eddie and Nelson. The boys called in honor of the composer Eddie Marne and the ex-President South Africa Nelson Mandela.

Mariah Carey.

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Mariage Carrie with children, photo: Frontstand.ru

Before Mariay and her former husband Nick Canon became parents, they passed through a lot of tests. Pregnancy after Eco flowed very hard, there was a terrible toxicosis and even diabetes. There was also a threat to miscarriage. At the time of birth, the twins Mairi was already 42 years old. The daughter of Monroe and Son Moroccan appeared on the world. Now Carey is already 50 years old, but she also dreams of a large family.

Konstantin Khabensky is also a happy father, but the son of the actor lives in another country and calls the mother someone else's woman. And the daughter of Boris Grachevsky never managed to forgive the betrayal of the father and introduce him to his native grandson. After the death of the Creator of the magazine "Yerals", his former beans would have a section of a multi-million inheritance.

And how do you feel about the ECO procedure? Write in the comments.

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