"Promotud Minister" and "City Manager on Voivodship". Whatever modern Kirov would be in the fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin


January 27 marks 195th from the birth of Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin. In 1848, "in punishment for liberty" the writer was exiled to Vyatka. Saltykov-Shchedrin described his impressions in the "provincial essays", and some Vyatchan (and modern Kirovchan) see familiar features and in the novel "The history of one city".

If Saltykov-Shchedrin got into modern kirov, he would have accumulated no less notes. The property presented, whatever could be the works of the writer in the modern world.

"Wild Regoperator"

In some kingdom, in some parish, there was one regoperator, lived and the light of Glyadyuchi was happy. In total, he had enough: both garbage containers, and garbage in these containers, and garbage trucks, and drivers for garbage trucks. One only disadvantaged a poor regulator - a reliable database and correct logistics. And there was one regoperator on the only parish.

The new 2021 year has come, not sparing the regulator. The inhabitants of the parish were noning and wrote, so so that Kirov had kill in solid communal waste.

The then pushed the regulator:

- Lord! Everyone I am satisfied with you, everyone is awarded! My one only is not portable to my heart: I really divorced in our city of garbage!

And began the regoperator to try, and not so that somehow, but everything in rule. Put trash into the container - get a receipt on time and with the most necessary tariff ...

He sees the people of Kirovsky, it was hard with the regulator to cope: the garbage is not in time, and the money on schedule takes. So the Kirovsians prayed to the Lord to the Lord:

- Lord! It is easier for us to disappear, rather than life soas!

The God heard the peopling prayer, and did not become in the city of anyone other than the poor regoperator.

Then then the regoperator was better than the previous one, the air became cleaner, because it was no one to litter, and there was no demand from him.

The deputy general director of the public legal company "Russian ecological operator" came to the parish and says:

- Tell me, please, Mr. Regoperator, what kind of miracle all your garbagers suddenly disappeared?

- And so, God, according to my prayer, all possessing mine from the people of the lesoring!

- so-s; Do not you know, Mr. Lenser, who will pay for them for them?

- Podachi? .. This will pay them yourself! These are their sacred debt and duty!

The chiefs were disturbed and collected advice. We decided: the people of Kirov's back to return, and to pursue a stupid regoperator to a finger so that he stops his fanfaroneism and receives the receipt to the Treasury of filters no longer interfered.

As for the purpose, at this time, the provincial city flew over the Kirovsky. They were caught all and sat down at home. And suddenly, again smelling in the use of solid communal waste. And the poor regopetor went on his heavy burden to pull on garbage trucks.

"Promotud Minister" and "City Manager on Voivodship". Whatever modern Kirov would be in the fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin

"City Manager on Voivodeship"

He lived, there was somehow parish without a city manager. He lived, was over. Here are the control of the management of how to search for yes candidates. And how many anyone revised.

Toptygin First

He was the old warrior-beast, knew the burgots to build and turn the trees with roots; Consequently, to some extent and construction art knew. But his most precious quality was that he was least in the world in the world loved to engage in and had large views of the road billion, given to the repair of roads under the Plato program. The head of the city did not believe the Toptygin and ordered to replace him with another Toptygin.

Toptygin Second

This one was smarter than his predecessor and first of all came to the public utilities: he walked on the courtyards himself, directors of management companies personally dismissed. The type of shopping centers Hayal, forced to repaint Yes with Ilyai Varlamov himself, was advised how to save historical objects. The second Toptygin misunderstood that in the case of administrative reputation from transport reform, the entire future of the administrator depends. Therefore, it was necessary to resign after the predecessor.

Toptygin Third

The Third Toptygin was smarter than the past City managers and quickly realized that it was little atpos - raised to laugh; A lot of attacks - they will raise on the horns ... and in Berloga, Zaleg, so that to something worth thinking.

And I thought: "The main thing in our craft is not to disturb!"

Thus, Toptygin the third in Berorga for many years was broken. And since dysfunctional, but the desired volost orders never have been violated at this time, and since no villains, except "natural," were not produced, they did not leave him mercy. And produced into generals.

"Promotud Minister" and "City Manager on Voivodship". Whatever modern Kirov would be in the fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin

"Promotud Minister"

He lived in the Ministry of Environmental Protection Minister. And he had a chamber's mind. He began to scatter this intelligence on the garbage collapse and sees: wherever it turns - everywhere he mat. The circle in the city is all big fish swim: the regoperator is the governor, and he is all smaller. Every fish can offend him: then in the family contract accused, then confidence will lose, and the minister does not want to block anyone. Yes, and does not understand: why swallow, if you can leave everything?

I decided the minister to conceive a neutral position to hold. Data on the landfills do not remember, waste collapse deny, do not agree to the interview. On the rare press of the conference will appear - and the Shabash!

He sits the day-day in the office, nights no sleep, the piece does not donate, and still thinks: "It seems that I am alive? Oh, something will be tomorrow? " He spread his mind and dreamed. And he gave him the seductive sleep here: about how trash in gold turns. He drowned the minister in his minds cherished and disappeared. What happened - whether the governor did it swallowed him, the federal checking if there was no reproach - there was no witnesses to this case.

"Promotud Minister" and "City Manager on Voivodship". Whatever modern Kirov would be in the fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin

"The history of one chapter of the city"

The happiness of Kirovna, apparently, did not immediately end. The head of the city of Nikulin was the Major General Pimple and brought the administration's system even more simplified with him.

The pimple was not young, but preserved unusually. Shoulder, folded with a graze, his face was decorated with unprecedented crashes of a mustache, which was played with the slightest movement of his lips.

"I am a simple person," he said in one, "and did not come here to publish laws." My duty is to observe the laws to be safe and not lying on the tables. Of course, I have a campaign plan, but this plan is: Squeeze and seit, eat and drink, raise factories and plants - all this is good for you! For me, even the monuments erect - I will not let it in this!

And sold the land in the park under the residential building.

I did not understand the kirovsk, or whether they were crying, whether to rejoice: it seems that the park has decreased, but the apartments of expensive in the city added.

And the pimple looked at this well-being and rejoiced. Yes, and it was impossible not to rejoice at him: the barns were broken from the offions made in nature, the chests did not contain silver and gold, and the assignments simply were lying on the floor.

"Promotud Minister" and "City Manager on Voivodship". Whatever modern Kirov would be in the fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin

Photo: Prikerovsky.rf, LitFest.Ru

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