Almost in T114 billion, the volume of funding for the National Project for the Development of Competition in the Republic of Kazakhstan


Almost in T114 billion, the volume of funding for the National Project for the Development of Competition in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Almost in T114 billion, the volume of funding for the National Project for the Development of Competition in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Astana. March 24. KazTAG - almost in T114 billion is assessed by the amount of funding for the national project for the development of competition in Kazakhstan at 2021-2025.

"The amount of funding necessary for the implementation of the National Project - T113,7302 billion," says the National Project submitted for approval by the government.

According to the document, the following economic effect (in high-quality and quantitative terms) is expected in the implementation of the National Project:

- Cumulative Economic Effect: more than T2.6 trillion;

- the implementation of key goods on a competitive stock exchange rate for the amount more than T1.9 trillion;

- reduction of consumer limit costs when purchasing electrical energy in the wholesale market by more than T18 billion;

- the sale of electrical energy at competitive centralized auction in the amount of more than T350 billion;

- the volume of laboratory studies transmitted to a private competitive environment for the amount more than T39 billion;

- reduction of government assignments in the amount of more than T47 billion and ensuring the purchase of relevant goods (works and services) by a competitive way;

- reduction of goods (works and services) purchased from state operators for the amount more than T42 billion, and ensuring their purchase by a competitive way;

- Reducing the volume of goods (works and services) purchased within the framework of public procurement from one source in the amount of more than T43 billion, and ensuring their purchase by a competitive way.

"The expected social effect (in high-quality and quantitative terms): improving the quality of human capital by submission of at least 2500 participants in the market opportunities for training at a rate of free-based trade exchange skills on commercial stock exchanges; creation of 2500 new jobs; The reduction in time five times on the transition of the consumer to an alternative electric energy supplier, "it is stated in the document.

According to the project developers, the formation of a new development model will be based on seven basic principles:

- Fair distribution of goods and duties;

- the leading role of private entrepreneurship;

- Honest competition, opening markets for a new generation of entrepreneurs;

- productivity growth, increased complexity and efficiency of the economy;

- development of human capital, investment in the formation of a new type;

- "Gardening" of the economy, environmental protection;

- the adoption by the state of informed decisions and responsibility for them to society.

"Principal changes: from the paternalistic expectations of the population to personal responsibility; from the priority of quantitative growth to the creation of conditions for high-quality and sustainable growth; From regulating the state of economic activities to stimulate private initiative and minimally necessary regulation, "is specified in the document.

We are talking about a nationwide priority 8 - "Building a diversified and innovative economy."

"The essence of the priority:" New Agenda "of Entrepreneurship, aimed at stimulating and developing the economic activity of entrepreneurs, effective protection for private property and competition," the authors of the National Project explained.

In their opinion, the following principal changes are expected for Kazakhstan by 2025:

- from the simplest principles of the development of entities of entrepreneurship to the creation of a modern entrepreneurial ecosystem;

- from the "quantitative" task to support business to the adoption of high-quality "package solutions" with the creation of a claimed infrastructure;

- from regulation to motivation; From the possibility of developing a "shadow" business to create the conditions for conducting a conscientious "transparent" business and inevitability to identify the "shadow" market;

- from increased administrative control to simplifying and legal entrepreneurial activities.

- from the active role of the state as the owner and regulator in the industries to healthy competition between private entities;

- from the orientation on quantitative growth due to the dominant industries (reaching a competitive advantage) to high-quality growth due to diversity (on the way to achieving a competitive advantage);

- from orientation exclusively on domestic consumption to competitiveness in general regional export markets.

As part of the implementation of the National Project, it is planned to perform such tasks as "denationalization in competitive industries", "balanced regulation of entrepreneurship" and "Providing a healthy competitive environment"

"The national project will contribute to the achievement by 2025 by 15% of the DVS in GDP (the share of medium-sized businesses in the economy)," the developers assured.

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