
Son 16368_1

Vasya is only nine years old, but it seems to me that he was always ...

Many can love, but they are not given to everyone. Excellent recognition in love for son from incredibly talented Ekaterina Fedorova.

Vasya is just nine years old, but it seems to me that he was always. I remember myself at his age, I was completely different, we are not like him. I didn't think so, did not use such adult words. I did not occur to me that I now takes Vasya.

When Pug spun an affair with a toy bear, Vasya began to ask me to "buy Leve a female". Of course, I categorically refused.

Vasya blurted out:

- Mom, you see the situation: Pug is forced to marry an inanimate subject! He needs to multiply, he needs children!

I said that the breeding of pugs is a lesson for specialists, we will not cope.

Then Vasya suggested:

- Alloway let's buy. Let them live, without children ...


If he does not like the dinner prepared by me, he finds the way to inform me of this as a delicate way:

- Mom, why the green peas is considered to be vegetable?

- mmm ... because it is a vegetable?

- This is not a vegetable. This is hell!


The other day, Jorgos gave him his tie in the bunnies, who thirty years ago his godfather gave him. Vasya took him with unexpected enthusiasm. He passed a whole morning in pajamas with a tie, then changed clothes into a sport form, on top of which a tie appeared again.

- What are you going to go to the grandfather?

"Yes," Vasya replied. - Because I am an elegant!

Fasciating fashion, Vasya made a revision of Grandfather's wardrobe and returned home with a tie - "Butterfly".

- What tie do you like more? - asked me.

"Well ..." Butterfly ", of course, more spectacular," I thought thoughtlessly.

- Okay. - answered Vasya. - I will wear a "butterfly." Only ... it is necessary with a shirt.

Dressed in a shirt and jeans. He took a shovel and went to dig wild daisies for home garden.

"You will go to dig in a" butterfly "?" - I tell him.

- Yes. Because I am intelligent!


I recently asked me why Pug looked like a pug.

- Because his parents are pugs. As you look like me and on dad and he.

- I'm not like you! - objected Vasya.

- Who are you like?

- I look like a grandfather! ...

Well, by the way. At least something in common with my son is: I also look like a grandfather!

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