Chronicle Saturday: Special equipment in Minsk, Solidarity chains and more than 100 detainees

Chronicle Saturday: Special equipment in Minsk, Solidarity chains and more than 100 detainees 16336_1
Chronicle Saturday: Special equipment in Minsk, Solidarity chains and more than 100 detainees 16336_2
Chronicle Saturday: Special equipment in Minsk, Solidarity chains and more than 100 detainees 16336_3
Chronicle Saturday: Special equipment in Minsk, Solidarity chains and more than 100 detainees 16336_4
Chronicle Saturday: Special equipment in Minsk, Solidarity chains and more than 100 detainees 16336_5
Chronicle Saturday: Special equipment in Minsk, Solidarity chains and more than 100 detainees 16336_6
Chronicle Saturday: Special equipment in Minsk, Solidarity chains and more than 100 detainees 16336_7
Chronicle Saturday: Special equipment in Minsk, Solidarity chains and more than 100 detainees 16336_8
Chronicle Saturday: Special equipment in Minsk, Solidarity chains and more than 100 detainees 16336_9
Chronicle Saturday: Special equipment in Minsk, Solidarity chains and more than 100 detainees 16336_10
Chronicle Saturday: Special equipment in Minsk, Solidarity chains and more than 100 detainees 16336_11

Today, Minsk residents could see in the center of Minsk the picture is familiar to the last fall - a column of special equipment. Video in his telegram Channel published blogger Anton Mot. "For a long time, such columns were visible, which was tightened to the center of Minsk. Probably put near the AP, "he accompanied the video comment.

What happened in the city. All day in one video

Morning chains of solidarity

Early in the morning, the shares were held and the chain of solidarity on Lyankov Street, in the military town, Uruche, the Chkalovsky microdistrict, in the townships, Sunny was noticeable.

Skills with state symbolism

About 15 hours on the prospectus of the winners, several cars with state symbols were noticed. The cars were heading toward the city center. Cars left by Olympic Arena, where the next amateur hockey tournament with the participation of the team Alexander Lukashenko was completed shortly before.

Furnishing in the city

As of 14:30, the situation in the city as a whole is calm. The "Olympic Arena" duty on duty of the traffic police, on October Square - a few gloomy people, in some places those who attached and something waiting for minibuses.

Closer to 15:00 in different parts of Minsk began to line up the chains of people with white-red and white flags and the coat of arms "Chase". Chains noticed at the Metro "Vostok", in the area of ​​TsUM, Grims, Kozlov Streets, on Pritutsky, in other parts of the city.

According to eyewitnesses, Dana Mall, on the primacy and in the pear, the security forces dispersed the chain. It is argued that there were isolated detentions, but in most cases people managed to hide.

An eyewitness told Onliner about the detention of a woman on Prittsky Street. She did not stand in the chain, but she went without symbolism on the sidewalk. At some point, the minibus and people in Balaclava detained a woman.

But the chain in the city center.

On the video hit the chase for the townspeople, who managed to hide. A young man running away from people in Balaclas and with batons in his hands, apparently, shouted "help." Roller posted blogger Anton Mot.

Eyewitnesses report that quite a lot of security forces arrived in the Swan. They firm the courtyards.

And so, children in one of the entrances are hidden from them.

In the pear, launched dozens of red and white bowls. It turned out effectively.

But this action was held in the "sports" area.

Ministry of Internal Affairs: about 100 people detained

Minsk militia published a comment about what is happening in the city. Reports about the detentions.

- Today in the territory of Minsk there are short-term unauthorized shares, participation in which takes a few number of people. Along the roads, chains of people (up to 30 people) are built, which will disagree in a few minutes. These shares are carried out with the aim of photographing and hosting photos in various Internet sources, aimed at the formation of a sentence of a protest movement.

Participants in unauthorized events were repeatedly warned about the inadmissibility of unlawful actions, the most active persons were detained (about 100 citizens in respect of whom inspection under the current legislation).

Metropolitan police once again encourages citizens not to succumb to provocations and not participate in unauthorized events.

Near RVD gather close detainees

Now in the lists of deprived accreditation of the Human Rights Center "Vyasna", about 70 people are listed, their number continues to grow. By the evening, friends and relatives of detainees began to gather at the door of the police. This looked like the entrance to Frunzen RUVD about 18 hours.

Near the Memorial of the memory of Taraykovsky all day flowers lie.

The police in the meantime continues to work in the city. This photo is done on the "Change Square".

Pervomaisk Rwd also gathered people, but they are quite a bit. But the Soviet, Central and Moscow is completely empty.

According to the calculations of volunteers, about 100 people were detained today. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has the same data.

Supplepeted January 24th. According to the refined volunteer information, 156 people detained during the Saturdays.

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