Chinese cucumber - cultivation in the greenhouse and in the garden


    Good afternoon, my reader. In compliance with several cultivation tips, the popular Chinese cucumbers will be able to consistently obtain a surprisingly rich harvest, reaching 30 kg from one plant. Zelentsy, possessing a long form and large sizes, are valued for a juicy sweetish pulp and the absence of bitterness.

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    Chinese cucumber - Cultivation in the greenhouse and in the garden of Maria Verbilkova

    Chinese cucumber. (Photo used from

    For any conditions, it is recommended to use a seedy cultivation method. It contributes to early fruit.

    Soil under cucumbers are prepared in autumn. They combine the extracted turf soil with high-quality irrigation and sawdust, which in 14-15 days before they are impregnated with an ammonium nitrate (20 g / 10 l of outstanding water is used for the solution).

    The sowing period is calculated taking into account that the greenhouse plants should be transplanted after reaching the age of 15-30 days.

    Fill the finished soil substrate individual cups. Their diameter is 10-12 cm. The seeds of 20-25 minutes are kept in potassium permanganate solution (its color should be pink). Then they are rinsed and dried on a napkin.

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    Chinese cucumber - Cultivation in the greenhouse and in the garden of Maria Verbilkova

    Seedling. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Soil moisturizes, make 10-15-millimeter recesses. Bold 2 seeds, slightly sprinkled with soil. Leave under the film in a warm place. Do not forget to ventilate daily and spray with water with the soil, if it dried. The shelter is cleaned when the grains are gluable. Install containers on the windowsill. It is important to water the rapidly developing sprouts in the water in time during room conditions. After the development of 2-3 leaves, unnecessary sprouts are cut off, leaving in each container one is the most stronger healthy sighter.

    Since the Chinese cucumbers form a small amount of lateral branches, developing mainly in height (their vacations can reach 3.5 m), then a sufficiently dense landing is allowed. The distance in the greenhouse between individual seedlings can be left by about 20 cm.

    Immediately mount the trenches necessary for the gradual fastening on them tall stems. Gradually cut out five side shoots developing from the root.

    It is useful for increasing fruiting 14-15 days after the landing of seedlings irrigate the overhead part of the urea (dissolved without a residue of 1 tbsp. L. Fertilizer in 10-liter water containers). Repeat when the first buds appear, and then two extra-root feeders are practiced at the fruction stage.

    Zelentsy remove, observing the interval of 1-2 days. Since the fruits are long, you can even cut with only part of the Zelets. Over time, he will restore. This feature is very attractive for many gardeners.

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    Chinese cucumber - Cultivation in the greenhouse and in the garden of Maria Verbilkova

    Chinese cucumber. (Photo used from

    Chinese cucumbers do not turn yellow and do not lose the excellent taste, staying on the bushes after reaching the right ripeness for another week.

    With a repeat method, seedlings in April-May are moved to the prepared ridges. Be sure to establish arcs and provide reliable shelter by spunbond or dense film, especially at night. It will save young plants from return freezers.

    The soil mixture for arrangement is a variety of the same technology as for greenhouses. But often, if there is an opportunity, put fresh manure on the selected place, which is stirred with chopped straw. The mixture is spilled by water, heated to about 25 degrees. Keep under the film 5-6 days. From above pour the fertile loose soil into which sowing is carried out. It is maintained between the grains a gap of 20-25 cm. Common care for appearing by shoots is identical to greenhouse conditions.

    Chinese cucumbers are not complicated in cultivation. They rarely sick and almost do not suffer from pests. Zelentsa is not absorbed even with an unstable watering, but they cannot be stored for a long time and almost not used for canning.

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