Nazarbayev, who proposed to put a monument to Ebbasy and others - named deputies from Nur Otan


Nazarbayev, who proposed to put a monument to Ebbasy and others - named deputies from Nur Otan

Nazarbayev, who proposed to put a monument to Ebbasy and others - named deputies from Nur Otan

Astana. 12 December. KazTAG - Daughter of the first president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev - Dariga Nazarbayeva, Madi Akhmetov, who proposed to put a monument to Elabasy and another 74 members of the NUR Otan party will receive deputy mandates in Majilis, the agency correspondent reports.

A complete list of deputies from NUR Otan looks like this:

1. Abakanov Eldos Nurbolovich

2. Abasov Kaynar Bechadievich

3. Abspeatova Aliya Maratovna

4. Adambaev raw zhumataevich

5. Adamba Tilex Serikbayuly

6. Akishev Samat Saginbayevich

7. Alimbaev Daniyar Kenghaseevich

8. Amrev Galym Makhmutbayevich

9. Akhmetov Madi Abyaevich

10. Achimzhanov Zhanarbeck Gardicanules

11. әFdіғali Bіk.

12. Basenbaev Elnұr Sabyrzhanұ

13. Bekzhanov Berik Aydarbekovich

14. Berdalin Amangali Bisenbaevich

15. Bizhanova Gulnara Cadirzhanovna

16. Boychin Anatoly Vasilyevich

17. Eleuov Galymzhan Almasbekovich

18. Elybayev Madi Sagintayevich

19. Yerzhan ұұdabergen Tөlepұli

20. Erman Moshtar Tіldәbeck

21. Ertaev Sybim Mahambetovich

22. Zhamalov Amanzhan Makarimovich

23. Zhavyurshin hard terkbai

24. Zhulin Yuri Viktorovich

25. Zakiyev Dinara Bolatovna

26. Imaşeva Snezhanna Valerievna

27. Kazantsev Pavel Olegovich

28. Kamasov Zarina Aydarhanovna

29. Karataev Fahriddin Abdinabievich

30. Kesebaeva Balaim Tuganbayevna

31. Kim Vera Aleksandrovna

32. Kozhahmetov Arman Tulasovich

33. Dmitry Dmitry Walk

34. Kusainin Marat Upsemetovich

35. Kuchinskaya Julia Vladimirovna

36. Kұspan Ayglah Sayfollalaқyzi

37. ұұlshar Mәlіk Imannұlұlұ

38. Musabaev Samat Bazarbayevich

39. Musin Kanat Sergeevich

40. Weңbay Darkhan қamzabekly

41. Nazarbayeva Dariga Nursultanovna

42. Nakpaev Salimzhan Zhumashevich

43. Nigmatulin Nurlan Zareollaevich

44. Nurkin Aigul Kabdashevna

45. Nurov Kanat Ilyich

46. ​​Nurumba Guldar Aldanova

47. Nұrmanbetova Zhamila NүPzhanқyzi

48. Omarbeckova Zhanat Anuarbekovna

49. Ospanes Berik Serikovich

50. Pavloviec Larisa Pavlovna

51. Panchenko Igor Ivanovich

52. Platonov Arthur Stanislavovich

53. Nazil Razzakbayev

54. Ramazanova Lazzat Kerimkulovna

55. Rau Albert Pavlovich

56. Rakhimzhanov Amerkhan Muratpeekovich

57. Sairov Erlan Biijmetovich

58. Saparova Aliya Suindikovna

59. Sartbaev Baurzhan Maerambekovich

60. Sarah Aidos әmіrollaұlla

61. Simonov Sergey Anatolyevich

62. Smoul Bakhytbeck

63. Schimentaeva Ekaterina Vasilyevna

64. Suleimenova Zhuldyz Dosbergenovna

65. Suleimenova Zulfia Bulatovna

66. Tazhmagambetova Makpal Maazakovna

67. Tijanov Yerlik Serikbaevich

68. Tashkaraev Gani Abduganievich

69. Telpecbaeva Zhanna Tleubekovna

70. Tіleukhan Beckbolat Kanayla

71. Torgayev Beckkali Nurgalievich

72. Tilebrgen Meirambek Soultykbayuly


74. Wisimbaev Askarbek Kezhebekovich

75. Unzhakova Irina Sergeevna

76. Shipovsky Gennady Gennadyevich

Previously, the final results of the elections in Majilis were announced.

Recall, the elections in Majilis on party lists took place on January 10 from 7.00 to 20.00 local time for all regions.

On January 11, the OSCE observer mission stated that genuine competition was absent in the parliamentary elections. In addition, international observers criticized the work of the Central Election Commission of Kazakhstan. Also, OSCE observers recorded explicit signs of bullings in the elections. The Public Foundation (OF) "Erkіndіk Kanata" on the same day announced that on January 10, one of the most serious and unfair elections in the history of Kazakhstan took place on January 10.

Elections in Majilis on party lists took place on January 10 from 7.00 to 20.00 local time for all regions.

According to preliminary data (CEC), as well as according to Exit Poll, the victory also won the Nur Otan party, the Democratic Party of Aқ Zhol was located in second place, the People's Party of Kazakhstan. On January 11, Majilis VII deputies of convocation from the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan were also named.

Elections were accompanied by numerous pressure facts on independent observers and activists. Thus, the observers from the League of Young Voters were reported on pressure rendered, from the Public Foundation "Ate Daians", as well as from the Q-Adam Civil Initiatives Foundation.

It was also reported that the protesters are held in the frost in Almaty, among them a nursing mother, also reported about the facts of frostbite. Two clocks held by the security forces activists were hospitalized with suspicion of frostbite.

What other problems and violations are known on the election day in Majilis, read in the relevant material of the KazTAG agency.

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