Lukashenko: the year will be difficult for Belarus, and it is necessary to save its sovereignty by anything

Lukashenko: the year will be difficult for Belarus, and it is necessary to save its sovereignty by anything 1616_1

Lukashenko accepted today with the report of the Prosecutor General Andrei Swedes, says BelTA.

"We have long wanted to talk with you on individual issues that were marked earlier, given that you are four months old (you are working in the position of the Prosecutor General. - Note. Berta) is, consider how the year in Belarusian time. I think you have your impressions, conclusions. I would like to hear from you the assessment of those criminal cases that were specifically treated on you to, as our rivals spoke, opponents to paralyze a law enforcement system. Nothing was paralyzed. The law enforcement system, both worked, works, "- noted Lukashenko.

He noted that over time, the situation in the field of combating crime will be analyzed with the entire law enforcement unit.

"You think about how to do this where we will collect to carry out this analysis and make the appropriate conclusions. Let's look at the legislation - now all countries improve it. You see, in the Russian Federation, it was very serious about the basic laws that ensure the defense and security of citizens, "Lukashenko drew attention.

"As I assumed to the election, the pandemic will turn into the fact that large players on the world stage will begin to divide the world. A pandemic from a pure medical problem has become not just an economic, but already geopolitical. It was necessary to expect she never and was not a medical problem. Nevertheless, we need to take it into account, so as not to get into the millstone and we do not grind us over the coming year. 2021 will be difficult, we needed by anything to stand out, keep our sovereignty, "Lukashenko emphasized.

He noticed that all the questions that were planned to discuss during the meeting, one way or another rest in the political plane.

Lukashenko clarified from the Swedes, as the dynamics of crime changed due to the fact that in the second half of last year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Investigation Committee and the Prosecutor General's Office were abstracted to stabilize the situation within the country.

"This, of course, influenced other areas of fight against crime. It is like "Cowid". All rushed: "Cowid, Cowid, Cowid". Of course, it is necessary to treat, difficult situation. But it is not necessary to forget that we have oncology and asthmatics, and cardiovascular - these diseases should also be treated. And they put on the society even more than "Cowid". So here, "said Lukashenko.

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