Animals that sacrifice for the sake of life of the owners



Not only deliver joy to their masters, meet at the door, they play and sleep at the feet. Some dogs and cats are ready to give their lives for the sake of the person whom they love the most in the world.

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Cat from Australia saved children from a poisonous snake

In Australia, there are many poisonous reptiles, but the most dangerous is considered a brown snake. Her bite is considered one of the most toxic. If you immediately do not give medical care, a man after the bite of a brown snake dies. Especially dangerous snake bites for kids whose faster organism gets a large dose of poison.

An amazing case occurred in Queensland with two kids. They played peacefully in the garden with their cat Artur, when they saw a brown snake nearby. Residents of Australia from an early age know that the bites of this snake life-threatening. Children stood in a stupor, not knowing what to do when Fearless Cat Arthur pounced on the snake, saving his little owners. Unfortunately, the snake injected the poison in the animal, which could not be saved.

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The pet has lost consciousness, the owners took him into a medical institution, but it was too late. Save the cat veterinarians could not. The owners consider Arthur a hero, because he sacrificed his life for the kids. They told on social networks about their brave pet.

Dog Baba, which saved the hostess from the ruins

In Japan, in the spring of 2011, a strong earthquake happened, which was subsequently rated in 9 points. In the Japanese city of Miyako, with his elderly hostess, there lived a dog of the Shih Tzu breed. The hostess was already in 80, she saw it badly and heard. After the first strong jolts, Babu became persistently to call the hostess to walk, although it was recently on the street. When a woman came out of the house with a woman, she noticed that for some reason raised his alarm. Baba went further away from the house, choosing sublime areas. The hostess followed the pet, not understanding that he had happened to him. When a woman rose to the hill, where a loyal dog was waiting for her, she saw from the height that her house and many other buildings were completely destroyed due to strong jolts. If the dog did not bring the hostess away from the dangerous place, she would be under the rubble.

Cat cat saved the life of the owner

The family picked up a black kitten on the street. He was very exhausted, and the krunel family was afraid that the baby would not survive. But the owner, Glen Kruger, came out a kitten, and he became a favorite family. Especially the chernushka soul did not care in the owner who replied to him.

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Once Glen came down from the stairs, stumbled and fell. Injuries were so serious that the man could not rise. At home they slept, and Glen understood that he could not call for the rescue, because no one would hear him. And here the favorite pet came to the rescue. He walked around the owner, desperately meow, not knowing what to do. Glen asked the cat to call his wife, and Chernushka went to the bedroom, in which a woman slept. He began to swear hard to the door claws, pushing loudly until the brand was left of the bedroom. She went down and saw her husband who was helplessly lying down the stairs at thenime. The wife immediately aroused an ambulance, the man was taken to the hospital. He remained disabled forever, but he continued to live, thanks to his faithful and smart cat.

Pitbul attacked the criminal who broke into the house of the owners

Psa sheltered family from Oklahoma. Di-fight lived just a few months in a new house, when an armed criminal broke there. He ordered households to lie on the floor, and at this time the brave di battle attacked the criminal. Scoundrel let several bullets in the dog, but Pitbul managed to neutralize him. The story ended well: Pit Bull was saved, and he continued to live with the owners who were grateful to him for such a hero action. The dog was subsequently presented a special reward for courage, and all the costs of treatment paid charitable organizations.

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Retriever nicknamed Angel saved the 11-year-old owner from the Puma

Beauty-Retriever Angel walked with her little owner, which collected for firewood fireplaces. The dog behaved very strange. Usually she ran away, but at that moment was cautiously awesome, not leaving her step. Suddenly the Buma jumped out of the bushes on the track. Angel immediately buried the boy from a wild cat. Puma jumped into a dog, and at that moment the boy ran into the house with shouts about help. The mother of the boy immediately caused the police, which soon arrived and shot in a wild animal. Angel expired blood, but veterinarians managed to save the dog. The hosts are immensely grateful to the angel for saving the life of the child.

Many people do not represent their lives without pets. But few people think how strong the love of pets to their owners. Dogs and cats are ready, without thinking, give their lives for those people who shelted them, gave love and affection. People need to learn from brothers less than a dedicated attitude towards close and relatives.

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