Prohibited episodes of serials: Pokemon, Peppa and Sponge Bob


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Prohibited episodes of serials: Pokemon, Peppa and Sponge Bob 16030_1

It turns out that the practice of removing the series from the ether is very common worldwide. Even it would seem, in developed democratic countries, this phenomenon is not uncommon.

In fact, there is nothing surprising that a separate TV show series can be banned in a particular country. In some cases, the reasons are absolutely not clear to ordinary people, and some difficult to argue. Here are three examples:

Pokemon (1997) - "Electric soldier Porigon"

The person in itself is a delicious series - a standard story for this series, about the adventure of Esha and friends. The problem was in the methods of animation and special effects. Closer to the end of the episode, at the moment when Pikachu uses his lightning attack, everything starts flashing blue-red (strobe effect) - the effect resembles how the virtual reality has previously shown - "TRON", "lawn mower".

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Radone demonstration of the ill-fated effect. The picture is harmless

And at this moment the children were struck by different unpleasant ailments: some lost consciousness, someone had vision. In most cases, everything was accompanied by dizziness, nausea. A single cases described convulsions and temporary blindness.

In total, 685 children suffered (of them more than half - girls). In most cases, these symptoms passed very quickly. But some viewing the cartoon served as a trigger by provoking epilepsy.

In Japan, this case was determined as "Pokemon Shock" (or air shock!), And it was a catastrophe for Japanese animation. As a result, the show was removed from the ether for several months. The ban lasted while experts and producers have understood the causes of mass lesion. After returning the series on the air, Pokemon has been subjected to some changes: the introductory titles have changed and the rest of the animators have become more restrained.

Information about the incident rapidly spread, and now all the global media (with the filing of American journalists) have become unchanged that Anime is dangerous to health. Of course, rumors were very exaggerated. By the way, the situation was well found in the "saouse Park" and in Simpsons.

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Simpsons in a seizure after watching anime

"Sponge Bob" and China

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But China has succeeded in this matter, banning Bob to appear in the prime time on the local TV. The reason for this is the increase in Chinese cultural values ​​and the weakening of the influence of Western cartoon characters on Chinese kids.

Yes, Chinese officials worth banning the series entirely - but, apparently, they decided not to overtake the stick, limiting only the ban on the show in Prime Time.

Pepple Pig: In Australia, I am not glad to Mr. Tonkyno!

A series about Mr. Pachek Tonoxes talks about friendship Peppp with a cute spider. Sex of the Series: Spider-free Curly Beings. And in most countries it is so ... But not in Australia!

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There are all the most dangerous types of spiders, the poison of some of them can kill in a matter of minutes. Australian broadcasting corporation promptly banned the episode to show. By the way, there were numerous complaints from the parents of those children that they were able to see Mr. Tonkyonozki, which reported that their children were trying to make friends with spiders after watching.

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