Choosing the best variety of early strawberries


Good afternoon, my reader. Usually, strawberry is moved to open soil after warming, when the air temperature rises to 10 ° C and is stable. Residents of the middle band were accustomed to planting a culture in the second half of April, it was then that weather conditions allow it to do. In the north, this happens later, and in the southern regions to landing strawberries start in late March. Compliance with agrotechnics is an important requirement, without which you will not collect a rich harvest from the early grades of culture.

Choosing the best variety of early strawberries 15895_1
Choose the best variety of early strawberries Maria Verbilkova

Strawberry. (Photo used by standard license ©

This variety is derived by Russian specialists, plants ripen approximately at the end of May. Berries are quite large, their mass is 40 g, and the bushes are removable, which makes it possible to collect a crop repeatedly. Bushes of this species prefer a sunny place protected from wind.

The characteristics of the variety (high yield, the unique taste of fruits and resistance to diseases, pests) are due to the fact that this kind of garden strawberry is derived from the most damned plants. In addition, berries are able to withstand long-term transportation and possess good fierce.

Repairing grade Asia love for cold resistance, immunity to fungal diseases. Due to the developed and strong root system, it takes away almost in any conditions and quickly forms fruits. Berries weighing 25-40 g sweet, their strawberry taste is pronounced. The disadvantages of this variety include susceptibility to chlorose, pulse dew and varieties of rot.

Representatives of this variety ripen in early June, they need regular feeding and rejuvenation every 2-3 years. Those who grow albion strawberry is important to keep in mind that the grade does not tolerate drought (its consequence is a sharp decrease in yield) and too high humidity, which negatively affects the taste of fruits. Chlorosis, white spotty - diseases most often affecting the landing.

Choosing the best variety of early strawberries 15895_2
Choose the best variety of early strawberries Maria Verbilkova

Strawberry. (Photo used by standard license ©

Another variety derived by the breeders of Italy. The fruits ripen by the beginning of June, their mass is 20-35 g, but by the end of the vegetation period berries are becoming less and less. The advantages of the varieties include resistance to white and brown spot, good transportability of berries.

This type of garden strawberry will not give a rich harvest in the first season, and every 3-4 years the landing will need to be rejuvenated. The grade does not apply to the repair, and its yield is not so high (0.3-1 kg with bush). However, the indisputable advantages of the species are resistance to low temperatures, diseases affecting the root system. Fruits of garden strawberries are better stored in a cool room.

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