Optics against a harsh northern climate: Ugra entered the regions ranking with the fastest and affordable Internet

Optics against a harsh northern climate: Ugra entered the regions ranking with the fastest and affordable Internet 1586_1
Optics against a harsh northern climate: Ugra entered the regions ranking with the fastest and affordable Internet

The expert group analyzed the key indicators of the home Internet in the cities of the Urals and other countries of the world. It turned out that residents of Ugra along with Thajon (South Korea) and Budapest (Hungary), have the opportunity to enjoy the fastest and affordable Internet. Comparing key indicators of the Ural region with foreign statistics, researchers were based on the data of the national provider - Rostelecom company.

"Users in social networks and messengers periodically write that in the Urals slow and quite expensive Internet. So, it is argued that in the United States, Europe, communication services and a variety of video services are much better developed. We decided to find out if it was, "the authors of the study are noted, the team of the publication" Be Mobile ".

100 cities of the world with a population from 1 to 2 million people were sampled to the sample, as well as settlements in the Arctic zone. Experts compared speed data, cost and home Internet penetration. The reports of the UN, International Monetary Fund, the statistics of speed measurement services and the data of the largest telecom operators in each of the countries were used as sources of information.

It is noteworthy that the most fast Internet is most often provided in Asian countries, for example, in Japan, South Korea, China, Singapore. But in Europe it is much less common. In Western Europe, users at best can count on Internet 100 Mbps.

It is worth noting that in Russia high-speed Internet from 300 to 500 Mbit / s is available even in the territories located in harsh climatic conditions. Among them are Khanty-Mansiysk, Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk. All thanks to the modern technology of "Optics in an apartment" - the cable is started directly into the house or apartment, which allows residents without loss of quality to use the Internet, interactive TV and digital services.

Similar to the geographical position of the city of Canada and the United States, mostly use only satellite communication channels up to 10 Mbps, and they are less reliable and more expensive for ordinary users.

Dmitry Lukoshkov, director of the Khanty-Mansiysk branch of Rostelecom: "A colossal optical infrastructure built in Ugra" Rostelecom "enjoys residents of the most distant settlements of the region to use the super-fast Internet on the technology" Optics in the apartment ". Our company has built more than 25,000 kilometers of optics in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District. On an ongoing basis, modernization of communication networks is being upgraded, we replace the analog lines optical. Last year, we switched from copper to optics more than seven thousand households and about thousands of corporate clients of the company. Our subscribers have the opportunity to connect telecommunication services by the most innovative technology. The company's plans are the further development of their own infrastructure in the territory of the Ugra. "

PJSC Rostelecom is the largest in Russia integrated provider of digital services and solutions, which is present in all segments of the market and covers millions of households, public and private organizations.

The company occupies a leading position in the market for high-speed Internet access services and paid television. The number of CPD subscribers exceeds 13.2 million, Rostelecom paid TV - 10.5 million users, of which over 5.7 million is connected to the "Interactive TV" service. Rostelecom's subsidiary Operator Tele2 Russia is a major player in the mobile market serving more than 44 million subscribers and a NPS index leader (NET Promoter Score) - users' readiness to recommend the company's services.

Rostelecom is the leader of the telecommunication services market for the state authorities of Russia and corporate users of all levels.

The company is a recognized technological leader in innovative decisions in the field of e-government, cybersecurity, data centers and cloud computing, biometrics, health, education, housing and communal services.

The company's stable financial position is confirmed by credit ratings: Fitch Ratings agencies at the BBB-BBB, Standard & Poor's Agency at the BB + level, as well as an ACRA Agency at the "AA (RU)" level.

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