Technical and technological (TTK) and technological maps (TC): Differences and requirements.

Technical and technological (TTK) and technological maps (TC): Differences and requirements. 15822_1

Times are changing and accents of new regulatory documents (ND) cause catering enterprises to think about the fact that it is time to put existing TC and TK and TTK in order, and when developing new ones - to do this immediately according to the standards, complying with the necessary requirements for the design of documentation.

SanPine 2.3 / 2.4.5690-20 For catering enterprises, says that:

P.2.8. Enterprises should produce products according to the organization's technological documentation approved by the head or authorized by them. P.2.24. Master classes should be conducted under the compliance with the cooking technology. P.5.2. The temperature of hot liquid dishes and other hot dishes, cold soups, beverages implemented through distribution must comply with technological documents.

What does this mean? - What it is necessary to develop technological documents and register requirements for the flow temperature, describe well, structured, consistently technological process with all temperature modes and temporary frameworks, arrange according to the standard and approve the manager. And no nails! Otherwise, at least 3 Sanpina points will be broken.

What is technological documentation? It includes:
  • Technological maps (TC),
  • Technical and technological maps (TTK),
  • Technological instructions (TI).

In this article I will focus on TK and TTK, as well as give the explanation of their differences and promote applications.

The validity of the TTK is established by the enterprise itself, it is approved and commissioned by the company by the head / owner of the company / authorized person.TTK consists of mandatory items:

  1. Name of dishes, scope. The name must be final, not subject to change in the production process. All branches or individual workshops are indicated, which are entitled to prepare and implement the goods.
  2. List of raw materials. All incoming ingredients with the rate of consumption per unit of product (in the case of a semi-finished product unit - this is a kg, in the case of a dish - portion).
  3. Technological process. Description of production on operations, with explanations of sections of cold and thermal processing.
  4. Requirements for storage, feed and design dishes.
  5. Quality indicators (organoleptic) and security.
  6. Food and energy value of a unit of dish.
  7. Microbiological indicators.
  8. Normated physico-chemical indicators.
  9. Photo.

Relying on practical experience with TC and TTK, I will say that correctly compiled maps:

  • help correctly chop raw materials during sales;
  • help to see the real cost and make an extraction of dish without loss in sales;
  • When changing the chef, it allows you to preserve dishes and technology Cooking - the property of the enterprise;
  • Help to establish a single standard of the enterprise for all employees and branches.

If you have any questions and the desire to develop technological documentation for your company, I am at your service.

You can read about me and my services in my profile, as well as on the blog in Instagram @maria_standart_sevastopol, where I share information about various aspects of public catering, production of production.

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