The most interesting of the world of design and art: March 22-28

The most interesting of the world of design and art: March 22-28 15726_1
The most interesting of the world of design and art: March 22-28 15726_2

This week, three new exhibition projects will open at the Museum of Contemporary Art, and in the "Triumph" gallery - two. Also in our selection you will find events on the topic of architecture and design: Lecture on architect Ilya Voice, Exposition of students and school teachers Marsh within the framework of the "Anatomy of Constructions", conversation about Soviet furniture 60s and an exhibition of design items of the 70s Created under the influence of the course of Arte Povera.

Lecture Irina Kulik "Inaccessible Mirka: Miniatures, Mockups, Decorations"

March 24. Start: 19:00. Price: 500 r

Miniatures, puppet houses, layouts are one of the most important topics in modern art. This is the nostalgia for the ideal childhood, which was not, and the dream of the impossible world, and the mental mechanism for managing reality. Continuing the tradition of creating doll houses and mechanisms ascending to the XVI century, artists of the XX and XXI centuries investigated this strange game into the impossible. From the "cells" of Louise bourgeois and layouts with their own works of Marseille Duzane to Miniature Robert Gobere and Sleeping Houses Rachel Whitered - The scaling of the world makes it possible to become a demiurge of inaccessible utopia.

Online broadcast lecture "Ilya Votes"

March 25. Start: 19:00. Price: 200O.

The archive of Ili Alexandrovich Votina in the architecture museum has 300 graphic sheets, and a museum gathered for almost two decades. The most impressive volume of materials was transferred to the Master's family after his posthumous monograph exhibition in 1946. During the lecture, not only the bright features of the architect's creativity, but also the history of the receipt of things, their place in the history of domestic architecture, as well as the degree of popular contemporaries. Lecturer - Polina Yuryevna Streltsova - historian of architecture, scientific officer of the architecture museum, head of the sector of the scientific storage of architectural and graphic funds of the XX-XXI centuries.

The era of "goat legs": Soviet furniture of the 1960s

March 25. Start: 19:00. Price: 500 o

At the lecture, we will discuss who in the USSR in the 1960s designed furniture as their main works and in which museums these items are exhibited. Artem djurko - an expert, author of the thesis and articles about the furniture thawing - will tell about the most important furniture exhibitions held in the USSR in the era of thawed, conflicts between designers and factories and furniture design schools in Moscow, Leningrad and the Baltic Republics of the USSR.

Anatomy of structures. Engineering art of Russia in the European context of the turn of the XIX - XX centuries

March 18 - May 23. Price: 100 o

The exposition allows you to look at the inside to one of the annual "anatomy lessons" conducted in the Architectural School of March. In these classes, students explore the relationships in the development of society, technology and aesthetics on the example of the outstanding buildings of various historical periods. All models presented at the exhibition and analytical materials are made by students and school teachers march as part of the "Anatomy of Constructions" course in the 2019-2020 school year. The exhibition reflects the result of the work of teachers and students and clearly illustrates the development of engineering art, which decisively influenced the appearance of architecture around the world.


March 19 - May 30. Price: Free

Exhibition Olga Shurgina "Shuzbekistan" - the first for the artist full-scale solo project, which opens up the cycle of replacement expositions in the framework of the Lobby team initiative to support young artists called #lobbyBelieve. "Shuzbekistan" is a fabulous world, time travel, dance of images and forms, the whirlpool of favorite artists flying into the pattern from the leitmotifs of her creativity: family connections, crafts, traditions, roles of women in the modern world and finding themselves.

Victoria Kosheleva. Phantom kiss

March 19 - April 18. Price: Free

Victoria Koshelieva works in the genre of figurative painting. In his paintings, it displays surreal worlds - imaginary gaming spaces in which, as in the theater, be charged from the context of the scene. In the works presented at the exhibition, the reference to the poetry of the American poet Richard Botigan is clearly traced. Such a picturesque ommage led to the name of the exhibition taken from his poem of the Pharmal Kiss of the same name.

David Clarbaut. Invisible sound

March 26 - May 2. Price: 500 r

This is the first personal exhibition of David Clarbaut in Russia. Using video, photo, cinema and 3D technology, Clarbaut creates images that challenge the perception and expectations of the viewer. At the exhibition "Invisible sound" are presented works created for more than a decade, which explore the phenomenon of "dark optics" - this term artist denotes the current state of the image. According to the artist, in the 20th century, the deaths of the lens in art ended in the art, and the production of art returned to the installations until 1850, that is, to the widespread photograph.

Anthology of the poor in visual art and design. Dialogue of Russia and Italy

March 26 - May 30. Price: Free

The exhibition will become a kind of comparative analysis of the aesthetics of the poor on the example of the representatives of the Italian artistic flow of art of the belief and Russian participants of the exhibition "Russian Poor" - this term introduced the curator of Marat Gelman in 2008. The exhibition will also include design objects of the 1970s, created under the influence of the ARTE Povera flow - the works of Urano Palma, Riccardo Daliisi, Mario Colley, Alfonso Leoni, Carlo Zauli, Nikolai Polissky, Rinat Woligamsei, Haima Sokol. Curators of large-scale show - Christina Krasnoyanskaya and Zarina Thai. The exhibition will also be attended by the work of such bright representatives of the "Russian poor" of different generations, like Valery Koshlyakov, Sergey Shehovtsova, Nikolai Polissky, Alexander Brodsky, Andrei Kuzkina, Ivan Longgin, etc.

Irina Petrakova. Manifests disappearance

until March 28. Price: 300 r

The exhibition of the artist Irina Petrakova is devoted to the changing relations between the body and the environment surrounding it. The first room presents graphics, embroidery, sculpture and video: a series of works created over the past five years, study many topics and are made in a wide variety of technician: abstractions created by the method of automatic writing, sugar sculptures on metal "crutches" with embroidery in the Savanov and Parchment. In this polyphony, harmony is heard: in the center of each work there is a body - it tries to enter himself into space, detects himself in it or cannot leave him.

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