As the Bolsheviks under the laughter of Ilyich buried the hope of people to freedom

As the Bolsheviks under the laughter of Ilyich buried the hope of people to freedom 15648_1

Under the laughter of Ilyich. How the Bolsheviks buried the hope of people to freedom

On January 18, 1918, the Bolsheviks under the dawn of machine guns and guns were overclocked by the Constituent Assembly - legitimate, the nationally elected representative body of the country, thereby putting the beginning of the Bloody Civil War and the most severe anti-people dictatorship.

After the fall of the autocracy, the peoples of Russia appeared a real chance to determine the future state device. The best people of the country should have gathered in the capital to the Constituent Assembly and express the will of the people. The Bolsheviks from the very beginning treated this idea skeptically. Lenin contemptively called the convening of the Constituent Assembly of the "Liberal Jade", but this idea was extremely popular in society and even having committed a military coup in November 17, the Bolsheviks could not simply dismiss. Lenin had to play democracy.

Elections, as scheduled, took place in early November 17th. Their outcome was stolen Bolsheviks: the overwhelming number of votes scored a party of socialist revolutionaries (Socialists). A significant number of votes (especially in St. Petersburg and Moscow) got the Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadets). Then the Bolsheviks are resorted to violence, they simply arrest themselves at the congress on November 28, 1917 in Petrograd legally elected delegates of the Constituent Assembly. On the same day, Lenin issues decree on the ban on the party of cadets, as a counter-revolutionary and bourgeois, the leaders of this party Shingarev and Kokoshkin are arrested, and later shoot.

The Bolsheviks transfer the date of the convening of the Constituent Assembly on January 18 and establish their rules for its conduct. They surround the building of the Tauride Palace, where the meeting was held, troops, and in the palace, armed sailors led by the Bolshevik Anarchist Zheleznyakov right around the hall. The meeting delegates make their way to the hall through the three Cordon soldiers and sailors who did not hide their hatred towards "Conter". The right to open a meeting is provided to one of the old respected revolutionaries from the ECOM party. But he is not allowed to say and the words and under the hook of the Bolsheviks are driven from the rostrum. The meeting opens the chairman of the Bolshevik Vzika Yakov Sverdlov. He suggested that the gathered to accept the Bolshevik Declaration of the Rights of the Worker and the Exploited People, which in essence announced Russia by the Republic of the Councils of workers, soldiers and peasant deputies, that is, approved the dictatorship of the proletariat. After the delegates refused to consider this declaration - ultimatum (237 votes against 146), the Bolsheviks demonstrately leave the Tauride Palace, announcing delegates of the constituent assembly with the enemies of the people and counter-revolutionary.

Lenin graciously agreed not to accelerate the meeting immediately, but to allow me to pay a little more, to release them from the palace, but the next day it is not in time. In principle, the leader of the proletariat was like that there soldiers and sailors will make with the "bourgeois and enemies of the people," they wonder or kill, it was already a little interested in Ilyich.

The collection was delayed deep over midnight. In the end, the head of the Bolshevik Karaul anarchist Maoros Zheleznyakov at 5 o'clock in the morning demands from the chairman at the meeting of Esra Chernov to clear the meeting room with the words "Karaul tired". The next day, the doors of the Tauride Palace were locked, and the road delegates blocked the security, armed with machine guns and two light guns.

On January 19, the Decree on the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly is published, which says: "Celebrations of bankers, capitalists and landowners, the Allies of Kaltedin, Dutov, the Channels of the American Dollar, the killers because of the angle, the right-wing esters are required. Meeting of the entire authorities and its owners - the enemies of the people.

In words, as if joining the folk demands: land, peace and control, in fact trying to overlook the loop on the neck of the socialist power and the revolution.

But workers, peasants and soldiers will not get to the bait of false words of the worst enemies of socialism, in the name of the Socialist Revolution and the Socialist Soviet Republic, they will reveal all its explicit and hidden killers. "In fact, it was a frank call from the destruction of all disagreements with the Soviet government.

In St. Petersburg and Moscow these days are thousands of peaceful demonstrations in support of the Constituent Assembly, which the Bolsheviks accelerate the power of weapons. This is how the shooting of the demonstration of the "enemies of the people" describes the proletarian writer Maxim Gorky in the newspaper "New Life":

"On January 5th (but the new style of the 18th) of 1918, the unarmed Petersburg democracies - workers who serve - peacefully manifest in honor of the Constituent Assembly ..." True "lies when she writes that manifestation January 5 was organized by bourgeois, bankers and t . D., and that the "bourgeois" and "Kaldenins" went to the Tauride Palace. The truth is lying, "she knows perfectly well that" bourgeois "there is nothing to rejoice over the opening of the Constituent Assembly, they have nothing to do in an environment of 246 socialists of one party and 140 Bolsheviks. True knows that the workers of Obukhovsky, cartridge and other factories took part in the manifestation, which the workers of Vasileostrovsky, Vyborg and other districts were held under the red banners of the Russian Social Democratic Party to the Tauride Palace. It was these workers that were shot, and no matter how much "the truth" lie, she will not hide a shameful fact ... So, on January 5, the workers of Petrograd are unarmed. They shot without warning about what would shoot, shot from ambushes, through the gaps of fences, cowardly, like real killers. "

One of the leaders of Bolshevism Bukharin recalled: "In the night of the overclocking of the Constituent Assembly, Vladimir Ilyich called me to himself ... Under Morning Ilyich, I asked to repeat something of the founding talk about acceleration and suddenly laughed. He laughed for a long time, repeated the words of the storyteller and laughed, laughed. Fun, catchingly to tears. Laughing. "

So under the laughter of the "leader of the proletariat", the legitimately elected power of the Constituent Assembly was overthrown, the century-old dream of the people for a free and decent life was buried. Supporters proclaimed at the Constituent Assembly of the Russian Federal Democratic Republic (RFDD) few months later are going to the liberated for some time from Bolsheviks Samara. The Committee of Members of the Constituent Assembly (Commuche) proclaims its power on a rather extensive territory of the Middle Volga region. Prikamye and South Urals. Even his people's army, which was headed by the famous commander Vladimir Kappel. Here, in Hollyznsk and Volosk, the People's Army of Commus led in the summer and in the fall of the 18th year of fierce battles with red. But the Armed Forces of Komech significantly inferior in numbers red. And the leaders of the White Movement Kolchak and Denikin belonged to the constituent assembly of cool and even hostile, which played the Bolsheviks.

When we remember the blasting dream of the people about the freedom and a democratic path of development, we must always remember that the Russian people never chose Soviet power voluntarily, and as soon as the Communists after 70 years of their total domination declared real free elections, they were defeated.

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