What is known about Vaccines from COVID-19: 3 facts about drugs from Russia, USA and Europe


Around the world there is a fierce struggle against the coronavirus pandemic. Specialists from all corners of the land are involved in the development of vaccines from the disease. We tell what vaccines are currently produced are, what are their features and whether they can be hurt in Russia.

What is known about Vaccines from COVID-19: 3 facts about drugs from Russia, USA and Europe 15588_1

What are the vaccines from COVID-19 at the moment?

• Vaccine from coronavirus "Satellite V" was created by the center. Gamaley in Russia;

• BNT162B2 vaccine was developed by the American Pfizer company in partnership with the German startup company Biontech;

• Vaccine AZD1222 produced by the British pharmaceutical company Astrazeneca and Oxford University;

• Epivakkoron Vaccine prepared by the Russian Scientific Center "Vector" in Russia, which conducted testing on COVID-19 at the beginning of the epidemic in Russia;

• MODERNA vaccine is developed by the American company Moderna.

Many vaccines are currently tested, among them preparations from French Sanofi, British GSK, Chinese companies SINOPHARM, SINOVAC and CANSINO BIOLOGICS. It is also known that joint research of Astrazeneca and the NIC named after Gamalei on a combination of their drug with "Satellite V".

What is the difference between vaccines from each other?

Most vaccines are made on the basis of the fragments of the coronavirus genome, some on the basis of a person's adenovirus or adenovirus chimpanzees.

Their difference is in the effectiveness of action. It is estimated as a result of tests in humans. Worldwide, these tests are considered clinical, and in Russia the vaccine first register, and then evaluate the effectiveness in humans. Therefore, the tests are considered "post-registration". Thus, the "satellite V" was registered first in the world on August 11, without having accurate data on efficiency.

The effectiveness of existing vaccines at the moment looks like this:

• "Satellite V" - 96%, although initially indicators were 91.4%;

• BNT162B2 - 95%;

• Moderna - 94.1%;

• AZD1222 - 62% with the introduction of the first component, 90% at two injections;

• There is no accurate data on the effectiveness of the Epivak Koron Vaccine.

What vaccines can be hidden?

• In Russia, at the moment, only the drug NIC named after Gamalei is vaccinated. "Satellite V" bought for use for more than 50 countries. We wrote about it here. In early January, "Epivakkoron" also arrived in the civil turnover. Pfizer has not yet plans to bring his vaccine into Russia. Private clinics will not be able to purchase it to bypass government agreements.

• US is focused on drugs from Pfizer / Biontech, Moderna and Astrazeneca.

• In Europe, vaccine will be vaccines manufactured by Astrazeneca, Sanofi, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer / Biontech, Curevac and Moderna.

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