Russian cardiologist Alla Demidov warned about the danger of vitamin D deficiency


The deficiency of vitamin D in the human body helps to reduce attention and constant fatigue. The therapist, cardiologist Alla Demidov told about this on the air "Radio 1"

Russian cardiologist Alla Demidov warned about the danger of vitamin D deficiency 15576_1

According to the doctor, most Russians are lack of vitamin D. Especially manifested in winter. The disadvantage of this vitamin leads to decay of forces, poor mood, as well as muscle and articular pain. Another unpleasant manifestation of the lack of vitamin D, according to Demidova, is considered to be a sleep disturbance.

People begin to experience either heat or inconvenience. Some patients wet the head. This situation resembles ricketical manifestations in children. - Alla Demidova, therapist, cardiologist

Russian cardiologist Alla Demidov warned about the danger of vitamin D deficiency 15576_2

Vitamin D deficiency is practically impossible to notice. At first, a person has insignificant fatigue, malaise. Later, problems with immunity appear. Man is inclined to frequent colds. It also suffers from the condition of the skin and teeth.

The specialist warns if you do not accept any measures to replenish the deficit of vitamin, then a pronounced abnormal bone and skeleton may occur.

Russian cardiologist Alla Demidov warned about the danger of vitamin D deficiency 15576_3

You can get rid of the problem of vitamin D deficiency thanks to the healing diet. For this purpose, it is recommended to add foods such as fishing liver, a variety of dairy products (sour cream, cottage cheese, milk, butter), seafood, eggs.

It is noted that the main volume of vitamin D in food contributes to the destruction due to improper thermal processing. Experts are not recommended to warm up meals many times, as well as prevent the rigging of products, but meat to defrost quickly.

Russian cardiologist Alla Demidov warned about the danger of vitamin D deficiency 15576_4

In addition to the diet, the effective way of replenishing stocks of vitamin D in the body is drugs. They are used to appoint a physician who calculates the necessary therapeutic dose.

Recall, vitamin D is an indispensable biologically active substance belonging to the fat-soluble group. Vitamin D is constantly in tandem with calcium. It has an indispensable effect for normal growth and development of the musculoskeletal apparatus, especially in childhood. With a decrease in vitamin D, hypovitaminosis appears in the human body, causing irreversible consequences in serious condition.

Earlier, the Central News Service reported that 5 rules were solved to reduce the risk of a person in humans. Experts from Harvard Medical School reported, in order to reduce the risk of stroke, a number of universal rules must be observed.


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